I-winter bird

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winter bird by aurora;

The sun shone in my eyes practically blinding me. A knock on the door interrupted my dread with my mum's head popping out sheepishly. It was winter break, meaning it was cold as hell, my favorite.

"Sweetie, you up?" my mum said. I hummed with an arm over draped over my face. Her light footsteps were heard as she walked over. The mattress dipped as she sat down and removed my arm making me wince at the bright light. I heard a light chuckle coming from her encouraging me to open them seeing her beautiful smile. She ran her hand through my hair as silence engulfed us.

"The report cards are out." Her feathery voice rang. I nodded.

"You scored a 99 as well as straight A's," another nod. "I'm proud of you, honey."

It was then when I smiled and hers grew bigger. I loved this feeling. She leaned down and kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes in comfort. She left the room and kept the door open making me whine only to hear her laugh. I felt my phone vibrate to see that Tyler was calling.

"Morning, Genn." He rumbled.

"Morning." I husked out.

"Did you just wake up?" he asked amusingly. I hummed in response. "Alright. Well, open the door. I'm out."

I laughed out and hung up. Climbing down the stairs, the Christmas tree was shining beautifully. I opened the door just to get my bones crushed with Ty's hug. I hugged back weekly leaning into it just as I closed my eyes, committing to fall asleep. He obviously noticed as he laughed and picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. He went into the living room and sat down placing me on his lap allowing me to cuddle him. My mom walked in and greeted him with a kiss on his cheek. She sat down as I stayed cuddled up into his chest with my eyes closed.

"So, how's that little crush of yours doing, sweetie." My mom asked him making me open my eyes and look up at him, interested.

"They still don't know I exist, but they're okay, I guess." He said pulling me closer and playing with my hands.

"Stop referring to him as 'them'. I'm perfectly okay with you being gay, Tyler. You're my daughter's best friend after all." She smiled at him reassuringly only making him blush and look down at me. He smiled and kissed my forehead before playing with my hair now. My mom got up and kissed his head and then mine before she left to the kitchen.

"Want to go upstairs?" I finally asked as he nodded, mumbling "Sure." I sat up and rubbed my eyes while yawning. I stood up pulling him with me, yelling "Mom, we're going upstairs!"

"Keep that door open!" we heard her shout jokingly.

"You said it yourself, aunty! I'm gay!" Ty yelled back grinning only to hear her laugh mix with ours. I took his hand and dragged him upstairs to my room. When we reached the messy space I immediately dropped myself on the bed. He chuckled and went to the radio and turned it on. He gasped as turned up the volume. "I love this song!" he grinned and jumped in bed with me as 'Winter Bird' by Aurora started to play.

"My tears are always frozen, I can see the air I breathe."

Cuddling into his chest for more warmth, I sighed in content as I finally began to wake up. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head before resting it under his chin. He lowly hummed along with the song as he snaked an arm up to softly scratch my scalp.

"How is Justin, by the way? You have been legit crushing on him for the past year and a half." I asked, my voice muffled into his shirt.

"He's fine." He said blandly. I frowned as I looked up at his, now, empty eyes.

"You don't sound fine. What's up?" I asked before he sighed.

"Nothing's up. That's the problem. I don't have a single clue on how to approach Justin and its killing me. I don't feel like it's a high school crush anymore and it's scaring me to death." He explains, his eyebrows furrowed. I kissed his chest reassuringly;

"Everything's going to be fine." I mumbled as he tightens his hold on me.

"Lay me by the frozen river, where the boats have passed me by."

"I sure hope so." He murmurs into my hair. We stayed like this for a bit more feeling comfortable in each other's arms. Sometimes, you don't need a lover but a friend; a best friend.

"What about you? How have you been?" he asked loosening his hold to look at me.

"Rest against my pillow like the aging winter sun."

"I'm okay. Mom told me she was proud of my results. I have been listening to the radio non-stop. There's nothing new, really. How were your results by the way?" I looked up at him only to see him lighten up.

"I did really well. I got a 92 with a single B. My parents were so happy and everything." He says grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"That's great, Ty. You obviously did really well. I'm proud of you." I jumped on him and hugged him tightly. He laughed loudly and hugged me back just as tight.

"Want to go out and get coffee? I haven't eaten yet?" I asked lifting myself off of his chest and got off, much to my discomfort.

"Yeah, sure. I haven't eaten too. Maybe we'll see Justin on our way." He said making me laugh.

"Sure, but don't get your hopes up." I said making him pout. I ran to him and pinched his cheeks placing kisses all over his face making his chuckle lowly and hug me shortly. We went downstairs to get our coats and tell my mom we're leaving. She gave us both kisses and a tiny hug before dashed out the door, hand in hand, smiling widely.

"All I need is to remember how it was to feel alive. I need remember how it was to feel alive..."

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