Bad and Worse

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Adrien realize what situation marinette put him in. He now knew this year was going to be his worst. Marinette sat with him the rest of the day except for his last, class. As he went home he was surrounded buy a few guys from school.

Guy 1: I bet you think your so special.

Guy 2 : What did you do to make her sit by you.
You just a nobody.

Adrien: I Didn't do and-

Guy 3: Shut up, maybe you need a reminder of what you are.

The guys grabbed him and dragged him the the alley. They dropped him in a dumpster and emptied a nearby trash can over him.

Guy 3: maybe this will remind you of the difference between you and marinette.

After the guys left Adrien got out and walked home to his father mansion. He got in to see his father waiting for him.

Gabriel: How was your first d- what happened!

Adrien: Some guys wanted to remind me that I'm trash.

Gabriel: why do you still insist on going to that school. The students treat you terribly, why don't you consider homescho-

Adrien: NO. You said if I keep my grades up I can stay in school.

Gabriel: why do you even want to, I have seen you come home crying. I want you to be happy, why do you make yourself suffer.

Adrien: I, I just don't want to be put away, locked in my room like a prison.

Gabriel: I, I'm sorry. But how did this happen. It's the first way, you usually don't get targeted so aggressively.

Adrien: It's this dam girl. The entire school adores her to the point where its almost worship. She must of figured out that people already don't like me. All she needs to do is show me a bit of attention and school will hate me even more.

Gabriel: why don't you just avoid this girl, tell her to leave you alone.

Adrien: that's the worse part, if she looks sad and some one even claims it's my fault the school turn on me like a pack of hungry lions

Gabriel: you can't know that.

Adrien: Last year there was a new kid that asked her out, when she said no he insulted her I don't of everyone. The school bullied him so bad he moved to another with in the week.

Gabriel: that's, mmm.

Adrien: I just need to last this year. Thanks to listening to me father.

He walked away, Gabriel tried to think of some way he could help his some.

The next day at school. Adrien went class and got pushed to the back again. Then Marinette entered.

Mari: "he is by himself again" (she goes to the back politely declining offers till she got near Adrien.)

Adrien: "please don't please don't) (Mari said hi shyly at him and Adrien could feel the glares from the class) "dam" Hello.

Mari: can I sit with you? I if you don't mind

Adrien: I Guess. (Adrien looked around the room and could see the hatred in his class, he looked back at Mari and she looked please with herself. He wondered what ever did he do to this girl)

The something happened the next class. Before lunch Adrien went to his new locker to put his books away. He had gotten a new expensive steel lock. Last year kids kept breaking into his locker.

There was already hurtful graffiti on it.

Nino: dam its only day two, who did you piss off so early dude.

Adrien: I rather not talk about it

Nino: what ever you say dude. Let's head to lunch I'm starving.

Adrien: your always starving, I'm starting to think you hide a stomach in that hat.

They head over to the lunch room only to be reject from every table again till they sat in the small one in the corner.

Nino: why is everyone an ahole to you dude.

Adrien: your guess is as good as mine.

Mari: hi Adrien

Adrien wiped his head around to see Mari and Alya.

Ayla: (looks at Nino) "he is kinda cute" hey. Sits next to Nino.

Nino: o oh h hi

Mari: can I sit here.

Adrien: I don't see why not (he sees the angry looks from the other tables. He begins eating his food to try to finish quicker)

Mari: how has your day been Adrien?

Adrien: same old.

Mari sat there awkwardly, she is so used to others starting conversations that she don't know how to start it herself.

Mari: S so are your Adrien's friend.

Nino: yup, so dude why didn't you tell me you made friends with the school's angel

Adrien sent Nino a small glare.

Mari: We started hanging out yesterday.

Alya: hey gurl I need to use the restroom, come with me. (She sent her a wink, code for i need to talk to you)

They got up and left.

Nino: Soooo, marinette and Adrien sitting in a -

Adrien: dude shut it, the school hates me as it is.

Nino: what do you mean.

Adrien: by simply being near me the entire school is turning against me. I can't even tell her to go away because of what happened to the guy from last year.

Nino: oh you mean Nathaniel, the school treated him like the devil. But it can't be that bad.

Right when he said that a Lila dumped her food onto Adrien's head.

Lila: Sorry, I Kent to through this in the trash. Oh wait I did. don't think just because marinette is nice to you that you have a chance. She is a angel while you are trash. No girl will like you, you will be lucky if a girl even gives you the time of day. (She walks away while Adrien tried to wipe off any food that isn't stuck to him.

Nino: Well, that was a bit much.

Adrien: yesterday on my way home three guys decided to through me in a dumpster.

Nino: dam, are you ok.

Adrien: I'm going to half to be, if marinette doesn't stop it will only get worse

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