"New Date"

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I put the phone to my ear, and waited angrily. Cameron was just staring at me with his arms crossed around his chest.

About 3 rings later he picked up.

"Miss me already ?" He said and I rolled my eyes, hearing the smirk through his voice.

"What the fuck is this shit on TMZ about me being you so called 'mystery girl' !" I yellled into the phone, probably breaking his ear drum.

"What ? Um I don't know what your talking about, let me check it out." I heard shuffling, I thinks hes going to his laptop.

"Well, I mean I don't know what to say abut this. I didn't know that there were any paps around. I didn't see any flashing lights. Maybe it was one of the fans. I'll probably call management to see what I have to do." He said. I could tell Cameron was getting more tired of this bullshit, because he sighed and got his keys.

"Well I have to go, call your management and see whats up." I said and hung up. Cameron was already at the door.

"Wait, babe." I said getting in his way.

"I really don't know what this is all about and its getting me frustrated. When you fix all of this meesed up stuff you know where to find me." He said opening the door.

"Wait are you breaking up with me ?" I asked.

"... We're taking a break," he sighed "for now." and he left out the door.

"Wow" I said after he left I sat on my couch putting my hands infront of my face. I can't believe this actually happening all because of one damn movie, if Aaliya didn't- Aaliya !

It's like a lightbulb just went up in my head and as if on cue she came in walking slowly.

"I heard what happened." She said

"Oh so now your spying on me too." I said getting up and going into the kitchen to make coffee.

"What are you talking about?" She asked follwing behind.

"If you didnt drag me into that stupid movie I wouldn't have been in this mess and my life owuld be perfectly fine!" I said now getting a headache

"Woah ! Lose the attitude. You just lost your boyfriend I don't think you want to lose your bestfriend too" she said.

"Ugh, I'm sorry it's that " I hate breakups because, you know 2 years ago." I said looking down at the memory.

"I'm really sorry about that, but your going to have to cheer the fuck up because your making me depressed too" She said chuckling.

"Well I have no one to talk to except you." I said, mentally rolling my eyes.

"and One Direction" She said smirking.

"No, no we're not. I'm not gonna include them in anything, look what's already happened because of one night with them." I said, sighing.

"Oh come on they're fun and I know you had fun too." She said.

"I mean they are pretty hilarious, but Zayn... I can't with him." I said contemplating.

"What! He's so cute and you can be with him to take your mind off Cameron ya know." She said *nudge nudge, wink wink*

"Okay that no, but yeah I guess I could hang out with them more." I thought, the door bell rang. Me and Aaliya looked at each other.

"Who's here?" I said and she shrugged.

I opened the door to see those five idiots grinning like a chesire cat.

"Really Aaliya, not that fast." I said rolling my eyes.

"What ? Nobody's hurt, come in boys." She said.

Every body came in one by one
and the last person to come in was Zayn

"We bought junk food and snacks." He said a little shyly "I could help you take them out and stuff."

"Umm, yeah sure the kitchen is the first room you see on your right." I said and Aaliya put two tumbs up and started to smile I closed the door and rolled my eyes once again.

I went into the living room and already started making a mess. My goodness !

"Shoes off and not on my couch, don't break my shit. Put a coaster on your beer and please don't make a mess." I said strictly

"Okay Mother." Louis said with his hands in surrender.

I went into the kitchen and got some coasters and glasses out and went to go give it to the boys.

"Where's your party bowls?" He asked.

"3rd upper cabinet above the sink." I turned and was about to leave until he talked again.

"Hey, look im sorry about what happ-"

"Yeah, can we talk about that later." I said interrupting him.

"Oh yeah sure." He said scratching the back of his head.

I went out and saw Aaliya and Harry so I put down the coasters and went towards them.

"What time is it?" I asked and Harry tok out his phone.

"8:00" He said and I realized we had work and I had 15 minutes to take a shower and get dressed.

"Aaliya we have work!" I yelled at her. And she sprung up in an instant "I'll go get the coffee you take a shower and get dressed, meet me in the car when your done." She said and went into the kitchen.

I ran to my room and turned on Pandora and got in the shower.

I got out the bathroom in only my bra and skinny jeans and there was a knock on the door, it's probably Aaliaya what does she want now.

"Come in." I said going into my closet and coming out to see Zayn and I shrieked and cover upper body with my shirt. He closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry" He said sitting on the edge of my bed, looking away.

"Haha, it's fine. I thought you were Aaliya." I said blushing a little.

I put on my shirt quickly and put on my vans.

"You can look now." I said

"Oh well, umm, never mind." He said and left the room. Huh, weird.

I brushed my hair and put it in a bun and left. No makeup today cus I'm really lazy.

I got into the living room. The boys were calmly playing the game.

"Keep this place neat and tidy when I come back. I'll be back in a few hours." I said grabbing my wallet.

I took one last glance around the room and my eye caught zayns we had a 5 second stare down until I felt uncomfortable and left.

I met Aaliya in the car.

"So you and Zayn huh ?" She asked

"Shutup" I said blushing. Surprisingly after a few hours of knowing the boys they seem a little cool and I might, just might like deep down all the way down have a crush on Zayn but nobody needs to know.

"Whatever you say." She said starting the car.

My phone flashed and made a sound, it was a text.

'Could we hang out today ? After your house. -Zaynxx'

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. What the hell is this ? Icant start to like someone famous, matter of fact I can't start to fall for someone after I just got out of my prior relationship. this is not gonna be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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