Meeting the Loudest Group

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Tes's POV

"Please, I'll do your laundry for a whole month." Aaliya kept begging me for the past 19 minutes.

"No." I said clearly annoyed.

"I'll also giving you a shopping sprer, and pay your phone bill for 2 months straight." Now that seemed like a good bargain.

"Fine, and to any store I like ?" I asked.

"Don't get too excited, only your favorite low priced stores." she said.

Emily and I got to the coffee shop five minutes early. Thank god !

"Hi Ms. Brenton !" I chirped.

"Hi darling, hurry up there's like 5 people in the line waiting." she said and I put on my apron.

"Customer !" I said as I walked up to the cash register.

Some guy in a hoodie cam up.

"5 frappucinos please." he said in low british accent.

"Coming right up." I said, I tried to look at his face but he had shades on he looked like he had a clean shave.

My shift ended at 5:30 so that gave me enough time to go to the movies with Aaliya

"What are we going to see." she asked.

"Umm, Insidious 2 ?" I asked.

"Okay, but if I pee my pants it's gonna be a major problem." She said.

We came up to the line.

"Two tickets to Insidious 2." I said.

We bought bought food and snacks, and waited til the movie started.

We sat in like some spaceship booth thingy and talked.

"So how are you and Cameron." Aaliya asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"First of all you look like a creep doing that," She really did. Anywho Cameron is my 2 1/2 month boyfriend. "and we're atill going strong." I said.

"Oh my gosh,how about if we met One Direction at the movies!" she said excitedly.

There she goes again talking about that stupid ass boyband. Literally why do they exist?

We came in just in time. The lights were dim and they were showing trailers.

"Oh my gosh, Harry just tweeted !" Aaliya whisper-yelled. Harry was her favorite out of the whole band.

"Don't give a fuck." I said in my mind.

"At the movies hope to see some fans." Aaliya said reading the tweet out loud. "If they come here I will be the happiest person in the world." she said excitedly.

"Shutup, the movie is about to start." I said shoving her.

Two minutes into the movie nothing happened really.

I saw five bodies coming up the steps. They were making the loudest noise possible.

"Louis shut up." One of the guys said. Can they be any louder ?

"Omg, do you think that's One Direction. I mean I heard Louis name being called." Aaliya whispered to me.

"I highly doubt that." I said.

The group of people came to sit behind us.

We were halfway through the movie and I was kind of falling asleep. Scary movies bore me to death, but I kind of liked them.

I was starting to close my eyes til I felt popcorn in my mouth and my chair being pushed. Who the fuck !

I turned around to see the group of boys snickering like fucking mischievous ass children. I was pissed off, I turned around and went back to watching the movie.

At the end of the movie Aaliya was holding on to me for dear life.

"Aaliya, let go of me." I said shoving her.

"Sorry, that movie kind of scared me half to death." she said.

"Yeah, I could tell you finished all the coca cola, the popcorn, AND THE CANDY. PLUS YOU WERE SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME." I said yelling enough for us to only hear.

"Speaking of liquid I really have to pee !" she said doing some type of dance.

"Go and pee !" I said because we were standing right in front of the door.

She quickly ran and busted the door open and I started to laugh.

"What are you laughing at." I heard someone say.

I turned around to see some guy.

"Come here often ?" he asked. Who the hell is this guy !? "Zayn, Zayn Malik." Oh my goodness why me !?

"Bye." I said turning around, but then he gently pulled me.

"Wait, you didn't tell me your name." he said.

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