Ichigo vs. Soul

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There is a darkness inside

Eating away at ones soul

It pushes its way forward

The voice echoing within

There doesn't feel a way

To escape unending darkness

Yet there is some kind of will

Forcing one to fight on out

There is a feeling of melting

An anxiety that stays firm

Pushing and prodding away

There seems to be no answer

There seems to be no solution

The beating away at the heart

The fear won't go away

That one will doom all

The murky depths of the soul

Eats away at the heart

There seems to be no exit

Should one simply give in

Should one simply forget

Or should one fight them

Making sure to break away

And head towards the light

In the long run it can be

Overcome after great trial

The soul ends up resonating

One ends up becoming stronger

Despite the depressed thoughts

One keeps pushing onward

Never to give up

Never to give in

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