Chapter 4: Homewrecker? Um No?

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"Waakey Wakeey, SOPHIEEEEEEE!"

I groan as I hear voices in my room. I hear laughing and suddenly I'm in someone's arms, and they're taking me downstairs. I peek my eyes open a bit, and see it's just Louis. He smiles and I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes. The boys had about 5 bags of Mc Donald's sitting on the kitchen table and Niall was scarfing down a Mc Griddles like there's no tomorrow. I laugh and sit by him and grab a hash brown and look at him, he smiles with his mouth full which causes me to burst out laughing. The boys laugh at me because I know I have an awkward laugh. It's really loud. We were talking which shops we wanted to hit today like Jack Wills and the music store because I need a new guitar pick because I lost mine. I blame Louis.

Liam was ranting on about he wanted to buy me a new wardrobe while I just complained and ordered him to shut up because I was older, while the boys just laughed. And Niall was teasing Harry about how he likes older woman. Harry kept turning red as Louis said the most perverted things.

"He might not like you it bed, Sweets. He likes wrinkles." He winked and I started laughing so hard I fell off the barstool and ended up on my ass on the floor causing the boys to start laughing. Tears were coming out of my eyes when I heard the front door open and I popped up.

I wiped my eyes and saw that the Eleanor Calder herself was standing in the living room. She saw me and her warm smile and eyes went cold like a snake. She was going to be even more thrilled when she finds out I live here.

"Why is the homewrecker here?" She hissed. Louis shot her a cold look and confusion flashed through her eyes.

"Treat her with some respect, Eleanor. She lives here now." Harry told her with a smirk. He clearly wants to see what she's going to do next. I shoot him a look, telling him to stop, but he acts all innocent.

"What?! The suicidal bitch that kissed MY boyfriend lives here?!" She screeched coming over to stand in front of me and glare with her hand on her hip. Oh she wants to play Sass Games with me? HA! I'm so going to own her, I think mentally. I copy her movements and raise my eyebrows, taunting her. Before she can make a move, Liam stands between us.

"She's my sister, Eleanor. Don't you dare touch her." Liam warned her, leading me back to the table and sitting down. I sit beside him and pick up my hash brown and start eating again, frowning at her. Her mouth hung open.

"Close your mouth, El. You'll catch a butterfly that way." Zayn tells her causing Louis to double over in laughter. Eleanor shoots him a cold glare, but comes up to him and gives him a kiss. But like a French Kiss. She thinks I'm going to take him away? Got to be fucking kidding. Thanks, but no thanks. He's nice and all. But I'm done with real boys for a while. I'll just imagine Joe Brooks loving me in my mind. She pulls away and smirks at me. I smile and lean my head on Niall's shoulder, and he leans on my head and smiles, catching my drift and her smirk falters. Checkmate again. Damn I'm good at making her at a lost for words.

"You're not coming shopping with us are you?" She sneered at me. I chuckled and looked at her with the biggest smile I could.

"Of course I am!" I said with so much happy in it she looked like she wanted to run me into a brick wall. It's fun being a bitch.

"Okay, girls, calm down a bit. Since neither of you are leaving our lives anytime soon, you both need to get alone." Zayn said, looking between the both of us. I raised my napkin like a white flag and she smiled.

"Fine. But you need to let me dress you." She said grinning. It wasn't an evil grin either. It was a "Let's be friends" grin. I grinned back and the boys clapped.

I laughed and looked at Eleanor,"Help me get dressed today then." She started jumping up and down and pulled me upstairs.

She made me sit on the bed while she rummaged through my bag. She didn't seem disappointed or happy about what I had. She found a prize and pulled it out and threw at me. She had thrown me my Love London jumper I had gotten when I moved here and a pair of plain blue skinnies. She rummaged through her own purse until she found a black beanie and threw it on the bed. She ordered me into the shower and when I came out, she let me put on my clothes and she sat me down on the edge of my bed while she got to work on my face even though I complained I didn't want anythign done. She ignored me and gave me a sort of a smokey eye, claiming that if I was Liam's sister I needed to look hot. I laughed as she pulled a curling iron out of her bag. She had everything in there. She stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth as she put finishing touches one me. Satsified, she stepped back and smiled. Then she gave me a owl ring she found in her bag, claiming it was a sign of our friendship. I laughed and slipped in onto my middle finger on my right hand. I walked over to the door and put on my converse and grabbed the only bag I owned and walked downstairs. Eleanor told me the boys wouldn't let me buy anything, but I bought it with me nonetheless.

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