Chapter 8: I'm not choosing.

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The words that were waiting to come out of my mouth were cut short when the pavement was pressed against my nose.

I whimpered in pain and opened my eyes to see stars so I shut my eyes again, trying to steady myself while I clutched my bleeding face with one hand. I heard shouting but I tried to block it out as my head started pounding like I had a massive hangover. I suddenly felt arms around my neck and legs carrying me somewhere and then I heard a slam. I kept my eyes shut and whimpered into whoever was holding me.

I felt myself being put down and then I felt the soft mattress around me. I sobbed one more time before opening my eyes to reveal a boy with clear eyes staring at me holding a towel. I took my hand away from my cheek and saw it all bloody and wiped it clean. I held the towel to my face and sobbed again.

"Love, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him."

I looked up and saw Louis's eyes brimming with tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I threw myself into his arms and hugged his neck. He put his arms around me and tried to soothe me, making shushing sounds like I was a baby.

I cried and cried until there were no tears left. I leaned back and Louis caressed my face. I shuddered a bit and closed my eyes. He took my hand and led me to the bathroom. There was still shouting downstairs so he shut the door and made me sit down on the toilet seat. He washed the towel and placed it on my cheek,softly rubbing away my tears with the dried blood.

When he was finished, he leaned back and looked at me.

"Liam's dad is a jerk. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. He just went swinging. He came upset after Liam told him off on the phone. He was demanding where you were...Blaming you for everything. I swear if he was here I would break his face." He clenched his fists.

"Louis...It's not your fault...Where's Eleanor? Wasn't she here?" I sigh. I can't let him forget her. He has to forget me.

He rolled his eyes.

"You seriously must hate me."

I looked at him shocked and stood up abruptly. He stepped back and stared at me.

"How fucking dare you say that?!" I shrieked,staring at his shocked face. "I've been trying to get away from boys. Why? Because I was raped at 16. I don't want love. Love only hurts me. Love ruined my life. Love lied to me. Love to me...Love to me is toxic. I'm trying to be the good friend and not go after you because Eleanor loves you. I can't do this. Lou I-" He came closer and pressed his lips to mine. I pushed him back and kicked him where the sun don't shine. I ran out of the bathroom and locked my bedroom door as I ran out. I ran down the stairs as fast as my legs could take me and into the living room and almost fainted when I heard these words leave a certain Bradford Bad Boi's mouth.

"I knew she wasn't your sister because she's my sister."

I didn't almost faint. I did faint.


Helloooooo :)

Oooooh what's next? Bet you didn't expect that huh!

By the way! A Week ago @PenelopeLuvs1D Made a trailer for this story! And I've been updating from my phone so I haven't been able to put the link so I'll do that when I get on the computer tomro! She is amazing and I love her to death so this is dedicated to her! Love you rebel<3

Trailer to the side now>>>>>





Sorry for it being short but the next ones long I promise!

Stay awesome and beautiful!

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