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~feel as lonely asido~


"You would still be a supreme even if not associated with a coven."

"I suppose," I responded, looking at Michael. "What use would it be though?"

"It wouldn't be that hard to find your purpose I'm sure. Being someone as unique as you."

"Unique? I'm about as boring as watching paint dry."

"I majorly disagree with that."

"You talk like an English textbook and it is everything." I spoke, him laughing once again. "I don't know how I leave the coven though. Do I just go up to Cordelia and be like, "see ya", and leave or?"

He helped me up off of the ground and urged we make our way back.

"Maybe you could come over to my place and we could figure it out."

"That's very sweet of you," I responded, "but Zoe's waiting on me to help her with something. Could I get your number and we could talk later?"

"Oh, uh yeah, sure."

-time skip-

"Okay, today we're going to be reviewing for the seven wonders."

"Why do we even need to learn this?" Madison blurted out. "The supreme's going to know all of this anyway. Why try and teach it to us? We're all gonna fail descensum, except maybe one, but then what? We're trapped in Hell until someone brings us out."

Queenie looked over at me, "It's nothing to worry about. She's just full of shit."


"No, she has a valid point." Mallory responded.

"But we shouldn't scare Ashlyn. It's her first test. We all know she's not going to be the supreme." Zoe chimed in.

"But doesn't she have a right to know the risks she's taking?"

"I mean, yes," Queenie agreed, "but it being her first time, being a nervous wreck might increase her chances of getting stuck in that place."

"What do you know, you human voodoo doll?"

In a sudden action, she reached over and stuck her hand into the fireplace, staring Madison in the eyes.

"Ah! Queenie, what the fuck?"

"Serves you right. I don't feel a thing."

"Girls," Everyone stopped suddenly looked up at Cordelia, who had been watching the argument the entire time. "Even if you are not the supreme, it is always handy to have an extra spell or two up your sleeve."

"And use it for what? We haven't used them since like the 1800s." Madison snarked.

"You never know when they'll come in handy. I suppose we don't have to work today if you all have better things to do."

"Thank God." Nan, who normally seemed to be quiet, finally spoke.

"Ashlyn, may I speak to you for a moment?"

Everyone else had gone back to their rooms by now. All disgruntled about the meeting that was nothing but a waste of time.

The blonde haired woman led me into her office and sat me down in one of the cushion-y, white chairs. "I suppose you know what's going on?"

I laughed nervously. "Uh, not exactly, no."

"Mallory told me about your new friend. Michael, is it?"

"Yes ma'm." I nodded.

"The way you supposedly described him, he seems very powerful. Do you think he would be interested in joining the school for warlocks?"

"Oh, I talked to him about it. He said he'd rather not. His family teaches him spells, and he says that's enough."


"While we're here, what would you say to someone," I took a deep breath, but I knew in my heart that this is what I wanted. "Someone who wanted to leave the coven?"

"You're thinking of leaving?"

"Just in general, Cordelia."

"Well, I would urge them to stay. That it's where they're protected most. I guess they can leave, it's their own free will."

"Oh, alright." I smiled, getting up and walking towards the door.

"Ashlyn, if you are thinking of leaving, just make sure to let me know. You do have a lot of potential in you, and I strongly urge you to stay. Is this about the seven wonders test?"

"Not exactly. If I'm going to leave, I would leave after that. It's just me. I don't feel right here. I don't feel right as a witch."

"Oh, alright. Why don't you go upstairs and get ready for dinner?"

"Okay." I responded and made my way.

5:25 P.M.

Ashlyn: is this Michael?

Michael: yes. Is this Ashlyn?

Ashlyn: yep!

Michael: hi

Ashlyn: hi

Michael: maybe we could meet up later? Did Cordelia ever talk to you about leaving?

Ashlyn: yeah, she did. I'll talk about it tonight.

Micheal: nine in the afternoon, meet me in the alleyway between the coffee shop with all the clocks and the homemade clothing store

Ashlyn: okay <3

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