Chapter 2: Victory!

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There was a silent moment after the flash. All you could see was the group of panting mages and a still standing Zeref. Then the only sound you could hear was the whistle of the wind and the crash of a body against the ground. 

Natsu's P.O.V

Zeref had fallen. The war was over. "Thank you. Baby brother." Zeref whispered with the last of his energy. "Thank you for fulfilling my deepest wish. For finally giving me the gift of death." I was too stunned to respond. Who would want death? Why would you want to die?  After a few seconds of actually thinking (WWWHHHHAAATTTT???? Natsu thinking?), I was overwhelmed by exhaustion and collapsed. {Not because of thinking, but a loss of magic energy. ;)}

Lucy's P.O.V

After our fight with Zeref, I was so exhausted that I literally crashed. Right there where I was standing. And by the thumps that followed, I'm sure the rest of the team did the same. Before I was able to take a breath, I was startled by the fact that my body was turning to light and disappearing! Why am I disappearing? Where am I goi-  I blacked out.

For what seemed like an eternity I was swallowed by darkness. When my consciousness returned I awakened to a sky so bright it took about a minute for my eyes to adjust. When I was finally able to see I realized why it was so bright. Not only was the multi-colored sky covered in millions, no billions of stars, but I was laying right in front of a giant glowing castle. Where am I? How long was I out? Why am I in front of a giant castle?  That was when I realized that I was in the celestial spirit realm...

* Hey guys! Sorry that it took so long to update. I've just been really busy with life lately. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter and Happy Late New Year! 2019! YAY! -Lucy Dragfilia*

(P.s. Sorry it's so short :()

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