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Chapter 5: The Time I Had No Self-Control

something feels different about today. i can't quite pin-point what it is, but i know that something's a little off. for starters, every time i've spoken to joey today he's made some sort of flirtatious remark at me. and then when i'm not speaking, he's eyeing me up and down while licking his lips. second of all, it's stretching period right now and i can feel a pair of eyes on me, and i know exactly who they belong to. "em, i think joey's been checking me out all day..." i trail off.

"ya think?" she mocks sarcastically. "the kid can't keep his eyes off you." i roll my eyes, feeling heat rise to my cheeks and my neck. "are you gonna do something about it?" she asks, leaning over to touch her toes.

"... i'm thinking about it," i answer truthfully, looking behind me to meet his eyes. i turn back around to see emma with her jaw completely dropped and her eyes wide.

"seriously?!" she shrieks. i nod hesitantly. "oh my god, finally! suck his dick!" she laughs at my red face and awkward smile.

"how?" i whisper-yell.

"you gotta learn in the moment. all i can tell you is: hum. he'll love it and you can't gag while you're humming." she advises, raising her eyebrows at me. i try it out, soon realizing that she's right and the humming thing really does work. coach dismisses our practice a few minutes later and i gather all my confidence.

i strut up to my best friend, whose eyes are locked on the length of my skirt and what lays below it. "hello, joseph," i greet, just to snap him out of his little daydream before i touch his hand lightly. his eyes perk up to meet mine, only now do i realize that they're a darker shade of brown than usual. i build up my confidence a bit, standing on my tip-toes in order to reach his ears. "are you going to continue to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?" i blurt out in a soft, seductive tone.

he gulps, grabbing my wrist tightly and avoiding eye contact with absolutely everyone on the field. he drags me away, emma giving me a silent thumbs up for reassurance. we finally reach his dorm, knowing that it's safe because emma'll take billy to her room now. he takes a strand of my orange hair, twirling it between his thumb and index finger. "i want you so bad," he mumbles, eyeing my lips.

i lean up to his ear again, grazing my lips against his earlobe as i whisper "i'm all yours,". he looks around for a quick minute, seemingly asking the universe to give him one good reason not to go through with this right now. it doesn't provide him with one. he presses his mouth upon mine, full reciprocation coming from my end. we waste no time going into open-mouth kissing, our tongues colliding with each other in a hot mess. i can feel myself becoming more eager as the kiss becomes faster paced.

he moves down to kiss my jaw, working his way down to the sensitive skin on my neck. i sense that he's a little hesitant to move his hands around, so i give him a little shove by placing them at the back of my thighs. i tilt my head to the side, signalling that i like the feeling of him kissing my neck. to refrain from moaning, i find myself biting my lip harder than i intend to. my hands instinctively roam under his shirt, peeling it off of his warm core. his pointer finger drags from my knee to the waistband of my underwear under my skirt painfully slowly, teasing me immensely.

his hands slide down the waistband of my short skirt, lightly touching my butt. i can tell he's trying his best to be gentle, and it means a lot to me, though i wouldn't mind if he weren't. i pull his head from my neck, attaching our lips once again. we slowly make our way to a chair that's sitting in the corner of the room. i push him down onto it as i straddle his lap. we continue to make out, both of us evidently becoming more eager by the minute.

his hands maintain their stance on my hips until they yank on the hem of my field hockey uniform, gesturing that he wants it off. i let go of his lips for a moment, only to remove the fabric covering my chest. my face turns red as i'm slightly insecure about my body, but joey makes me feel comfortable. his eyes struggle to meet mine, but he tries his best. "you're beautiful," he compliments, biting his bottom lip. i roll my eyes playfully, smiling lightly.

instead of acknowledging his kind words, i reconnect our lips. the kiss is a little more passionate this time, but just as hungry. i use my feet to pull his pants down to his ankles, following them as i sink down onto my knees in front of his chair. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't at least a little nervous for this to commence. i'm more scared that this won't be enjoyable for him than wether it will be enjoyable for me or not. he affectionately pushes some hair behind my hair, earning a glance up at him from me. "hey, you don't have to do this if you don't want to..." he offers.

"i know," i rasp, my voice making a return from its retirement for a good ten minutes. i try and mimic his teasing by dragging my index finger from his calf to his boxers all while making prolonged, seductive eye contact with my best friend. "but i want to," my eyes trail down to where my finger's rested on his elastic waistband of his underwear. after finally gathering all my remaining courage, i slide them down his knees and to the floor.

i stare at his member and it seems to stare back at me. i gulp, hoping for the best but imagining the worst. what if i'm awful? what if he can't stay hard? i push all of the negative thoughts aside, taking him in my hand for the first time. i receive instant gratification when he lets a noise of satisfaction escape his lips. it can't be that hard can it? i mean, i haven't even done anything yet and he's already moaning. this newfound confidence inspires me to open my mouth, taking most of his length in on my first go. his hips rise from the chair slightly and i can feel his abs tense. i run my hand gracefully from his chest down to his v-line. "relax," i coo.

he releases a breath that neither of us seemed to know he was even holding in. i instantly get back to work, sucking his member with a certain force that is supposedly making him go crazy—at least that's what i read in a magazine once. hey, i knew this day would come eventually. he moans, grabbing a hand of my hair and squeezing it in his fist periodically.

i decide that now would be the time to test emma's advice. i hum, pushing my lips all the way to his base, an exaggerated groan coming from the boy beneath me. "good girl," he praises, his fingers massaging my scalp unintentionally. his words of encouragement only motivate me to continue with the same technique, so i proceed until he's quivering in my hands. "shit," he flexes, letting me know that he's at least somewhat close to finishing.

"i'm almost there," he warns, squeezing his eyes shut. i never pegged joey as the type to be loud during intimate activities but he's proven to be pretty vocal in certain situations. i continue to work my magic until i feel his cum in my mouth. i have no idea what to do with it so i kind of just sit there with it in my mouth. it doesn't taste good so i don't want to swallow it but on the other hand, spitters are quitters.

joey peers down at me, bursting out laughing almost instantly. i look up at him with pleading eyes, asking what do with myself. "go spit it out," he laughs hysterically. he follows me into the bathroom, watching as i lean over the sink and let all of the salty substance fall out of my mouth. he stands in the doorway, giggling at me like a schoolgirl.

he finds a pair of boxers and pulls them on, watching me rinse my mouth out with water vigorously. he continues to chuckle as i glare at him through the mirror. "it tastes like shit," i groan, gurgling water and then spitting it out repeatedly.

"it can't be that bad. you're being dramatic," he laughs at me.

"you try some!" i protest, a mouth full of tap water.

"maybe if you supply it..." he smirks, handing me one of his shirts to put on considering i'm still in my bra and i'm not exactly wanting to put my gross field hockey uniform back on.

i roll my eyes, "ew, bitch, go back to wherever the hell you came from,"

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