In My Sight

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Completely and hopelessly lost…

That’s what you were right now, actually for the past few hours. You gave a heavy sigh and continued to roam the now darkening woods.

Oh no, you weren’t alone when you started this hike. You were actually with your High School at the start of it. Yup, they thought it would be a nice present for you seniors; a nice hike in the woods.

What the fuck were they thinking?

I mean really, hours hiking up hills and through caves as a reward, hell if you wanted to get sweaty and nasty you would’ve participated in Gym class for God’s sake.

You rolled your (eye color) orbs and continued your trek through the now creepy ass woods.

You had to find your way out soon, it’s not like any of your classmates would actually say you were missing, hell they probably didn’t even know who you were.

You were the chubby girl nobody wanted to talk to in High school which you were fine with, you were more of a loner anyway, but in this type of situation you kind of wished at least one person knew who you were.

You could probably be out here for weeks and nobody would notice nor care. Your parents might notice if they ever came home from their damn business trips. 

Might being the keyword there…

“Maybe I could just live in the woods or something…” You started thinking out loud to avoid the eerie silence that was all around you.

“It’s not like anybody would care, fuck they probably don’t even know me.” You puffed your chubby cheeks out as you mentally ordered your legs to keep going even though they hurt like hell.

As you continued on your miserable way, you stopped suddenly hearing something snap making a loud echoing sound. You shivered a bit at the sound as well as the darkening sky getting nervous and a little bit scared.

“I-it was probably j-just an animal (your name), k-keep on walking.” You talked yourself into moving on and getting away from the sound. 

Your confidence was running low, it felt like something was watching you… almost stalking you in a way. 


Maybe it was just your paranoia; you did watch a lot of horror movies.

Yeah, that’s all it is; stupid fake paranoia from watching so many damn movies! There wasn’t anything following you. So that giant ass snake has to be fake!


Giant snake…

With piercing snake like Green glowing eyes…

Behind the tree watching you with a smirk on his…human face… right this second.

You stood there frozen in complete and udder shock as the reptilian humanoid made its way from behind the giant Oak tree and slithered its way towards your frozen yet quivering form smirking the whole way over.

You quickly noticed you were in the middle of a clearing, making this whole scenario even more fucking creepy to you.

You finally got your legs to move again as you started running and I mean booking it out of that clearing. You haven’t ran this fast in your entire life. I mean you could see the trees whizzing past you as you continued to run feeling your tummy jiggle and not really giving a shit at this moment in time.

You looked back only to see the snake man hot on your ass making you scream as you tried to run faster, but you were stopped by a giant slimy green and yellow scaled tail wrapping around your chubby body making you squirm and fight against it to no avail.

The snake man lifted you up with his tail all the way up to his face which was handsome. You felt a slight blush make its way onto your chubby cheeks making him smirk.

“I jussssst love catching my prey.” Even his voice made you blush more as he suddenly licked your cheek with his snake like tongue making you squeak and freak out.

“W-what, oh no, no, no, no!” You tried to wiggle and squirm your way out of the tail’s hold only to shriek when he started moving, his face still near yours.

“Oh yessssss (your name).” Your (eye color) orbs widened a bit. How the holy fuck did this thing know your name?

“First of all, how the hell do you know my name?” You glared daggers at the creature waiting for an answer as you finally gave up your struggle and just folded your arms across your chest and huffed.

“I’ve been watching you (your name).” His piercing Green eyes looked into your own eyes making you gulp.

Snapping out of it you returned your glare. 

“Secondly, you don’t want me man, I’m all fat and no meat! I mean look do you really wanna eat this?” You managed to get one arm out of his grasp as you lifted up your shirt up to your neck exposing your tummy which you hated to show, but hell if it saved your life you didn’t care.

The creature stopped dead in its tracks looking at your newly exposed skin making you flush as you saw the expression on his face.

He was blushing?!

Seriously, why the hell was he blushing anyway?

You suddenly felt something wet on your exposed tummy, you looked down to see his tongue sweeping up and down your chubby tummy going everywhere it could; around your belly button, side to side, up to your clad breasts.

You made noises of protests only to have his tongue trail back up to your face.

It suddenly stopped as you glanced up briefly only to have him crash his lips onto yours. 

Your chest pressed to his as he forcefully kissed you, one of his hands tangled in your (hair color) locks and the other wrapped around your middle pulling you closer to him.

Your (eye color) orbs were closed enjoyed this kiss as you shakily tangled your free arm into his messy blondish brown hair, tugging at it making the kiss deeper.

He suddenly pulled his head back, hands still tangled and wrapped around you as the two of you tried to catch your breaths. 

“My namessss Arthur love.” He gently stroked your (hair color) hair and cupped your chubby cheek.

“A-are you still gunna eat me A-arthur?” 

You saw a smile appear on his face as he just laughed and pulled you closer to his form stroking your exposed back.

“No, of coursssse not love; I didn’t plan on it either.” After hearing his confession you were beyond confused.

“Then what the hell were you talking about?!” You were freaking out again as you hastily pulled your shirt back down, a massive ass blush on your puffed out cheeks.

“I-I wanted you to be my m-mate.” He suddenly looked shy as he glanced back at the ground.

“R-really Arthur?” You gently placed your free hand on his cheek stroking it lightly as he nuzzled into it.

“Yesssss love, I’ve watched you for a while and my urgesssss got the bessst of me, I needed to have you… You’re jusssst ssssso beautiful and wonderful.” His confession was heartwarming, a bit creepy at first, but all around sweet and romantic.

You smiled up at Arthur as you leaned in and kissed his forehead lightly.

“I’ll tell you what Arthur, how about we start off as a couple and maybe mating a little later on?” You started to stroke his messy hair loving how soft it was.

“Alright (your name), whatever you want love.” You laughed and kissed his cheek as he took off deeper into the woods with you in his arms. You nuzzled his neck lightly as you tightened your arms around his neck.

You knew this would work out and in the end you were kind of happy nobody knew you, because if they did you’d have to leave Arthur.

And that was something you were never going to do.

Naga England X !Chubby Reader - In My Sight Where stories live. Discover now