Chapter 3: Menma's Moment Of Realization - The Big Question

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A/N - FINALLY AN UPDATE! 😂 This was supposed to be out on the first but I kept changing up everything and making things so difficult in this chapter till I was finally satisfied!

Another thing is, my pc urgently needed to be fixed so I literally had to erase EVERYTHING from my pc and start over fresh on everything cause I was trying to make some more MMD for you all, which I was able to do, but will save it for next chapter.

I lost ALL my models, ALL my motions, and ALL my stages when I factory restarted my pc. It had to be done though cause my MMD stuff stopped working and was irritating me which is why I stopped making it, but now it's fixed and I'm going to have to start over on Nia's model which will be bad and too skinny cause those model based on there are literally one size lol. If someone knows how to make a Naruto OC model, hit me up cause I need you 😭

Anyway enough of that! Here's the chap! Please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️❤️❤️


Chapter 3: Menma's Moment Of Realization - The Big Question

"My heart just can't take this much heartache anymore... I'm tired of being rejected by you over and over, time and time again..."
"I really want to be held. I want to experience the type of bond that goes beyond just friendship..."
"My dream was to be with you, but... you just don't feel the same way and I can't force you to love me, so... I have to move on.
"This new guy is very nice to me. He thinks I'm beautiful and even wishes to be my boyfriend. I'm going to leave straight away in the morning to meet up with him and tell him I'd like to try things out with him.

Tick... tock... Tick... tock... Tick... tock... Tick... tock...

Menma laid on his bed with his arms crossed behind his head. His eyes stared straight at the ceiling as they seemed to have lost their luster. For the past few hours, all he could think about was the conversation he had with Nia. Specifically, everything she had to say about this Akihiko guy.

Outside of his room, his father was in the middle of speaking to a certain byakugan user late at night.

"Sorry Hinata, but Menma has a lot on his mind right now," Minato apologized to the Hyuga standing at his front door. "I apologize for having to tell you this."

"Oh no, it's fine," The girl forced a smile. "If you don't mind me asking: Do you know what it is that's bothering him?"

"Hm... well, apparently he's upset over Nia possibly leaving to meet up with a guy she met not too long ago in the morning. The two were supposed to be on a date... but... it was cancelled from my understanding."

"Wait! Menma and Nia were on a date?!"

Minato nodded.

When he did, Hinata gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, but quickly calmed herself as she didn't want to leave a bad impression on her crush's father.

"T-Thank you for sharing that with me, Mr. Namikaze," She told him before turning around and walking down the steps. "You have a great night now. Tell your wife and Menma I said hi."

"Yes, thank you and I will. You make sure you return home safely. Goodnight," The man then closed the door.

Biting the nail of her thumb and folding an arm over her stomach, Hinata's deep rooted hatred for the Umino girl seared to an unimaginable height.

That bitch! I told her not to mess with my Menma any longer! Why can't she ever just understand that he could NEVER like her?! That he would never choose her over me?!

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