Bakugou x Male Reader (Angst)

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Reader's quirk is called Ice Dragon. He has the ability to change himself into three different dragon forms; 50% form covers his body in white scales, 75% form transformers him into a small dragon about the size of a housecat, and 100% transforms him into a larger identical dragon.

Hero name: Avalanche
Bakugou ran out of the collapsing building, carrying two small kids with him. They were the last ones, he needed to get them out and get back to his boyfriend as quickly as possible.
Katsuki coughed, wiping thick, red liquid away from his mouth. The smoke around him was finally started to disappear, the rubble around him becoming clearer.

He left the kids with the other first responders, and sprinted back into the crumbling building.

"Avalanche!" Katsuki called. "We need to fucking go, the villains are tryin' to make a run for it! The backup got delayed, we need to move!"

No response.

"Avalanche! Get your ass over here!"

Why the fuck wasn't he responding?

"Motherfucking son of fuck-"

That's when he seen the hand sticking out from underneath a fallen column.

"(N-Name)!" He ran over, quickly leaning down next to the column. (Name)'s head and shoulders had been missed by the collapsed stone, but he was still bleeding from a few scratches on his forehead.

"God fucking damn it. (Name), you're... you're such a f-fucking idiot."

He created a small explosion in his hand, just strong enough to break the rubble into smaller pieces. Katsuki worked with haste to move those pieces off of (Name), then carefully scooped him into his arms.

(Name)'s breathing seemed shallow, but still regular, and his bleeding didn't look that bad- until he looked at his boyfriend's torso. His white costume was soaked with red.

"Y-You- fu-fucking idiot, you better not fucking die on me! I-I can't lose you, asshole!"

He brought the other man out, practically forcing him into the hands of medical responders instantly. Then, he dropped. There was Bakugou Katsuki, on his knees, his head hung low, and he cried. He screamed, punched the ground, all while hot, salty tears streamed down his face.

There were a few thoughts that wouldn't leave his head; How hadn't he noticed (Name)'s state earlier? Why couldn't he have gotten him out faster? Why couldn't it have been him instead?


"Breaking news, pro hero Ground Zero announces that he will be taking a break from active duty."

The damn news won't shut up about it. It seemed like on every channel there was another idiot reporting on his break.

"While no reason for this break has been given by Ground Zero himself, it is speculated that it may be because of the injuries suffered by his close friend, pro hero Avalanche, in the recent-"

Katsuki turned off the tv. He couldn't stand to hear about (Name) on the news right now, hear about them misinterpreting their relationship. He glanced over at the clock once again. It read 8:25 am. By the time he got to the hospital, it'd be visiting hours.

He rose from the couch, slipping on a hoodie and a pair of old shoes before beginning his walk to the subway station. The ride would be long and annoying, but it was more than worth it to see his beloved boyfriend.


Bakugou's shoes squeaked as he walked down the hospital hallway. Hopefully (Name) would be awake. Hopefully he'd be able to gaze into those beautiful eyes.

He stopped in front of the door, hesitating, preparing himself for the worst. The door fell open slowly, creaking as it moved. And oh, thank God, Bakugou's fears weren't realized. (Name) was sitting up in his hospital bed, and while he was covered in plenty of bandages, he seemed okay.

"(Name)?" Katsuki said softly.

(Name)'s head turned to look at him, blinking slowly. The blond quickly walked over to the side of the bed, pressing his lips to his boyfriend's perhaps a little too roughly.

"You're such a fucking idiot, going and getting hurt like that on me."

(Name) just nodded.

"At least," he caressed his soft cheek, "at least you're alive. And you'll be okay. Before we know it, we'll be back cuddling on the couch, eh?"


"Katsukiii," (Name) whined.

"Have some fucking patience, (Name), I'll be right there!" He called from the kitchen.

Bakugou emerged into the living room with a glass of water and a big bowl of popcorn. He sat down on the couch next to his boyfriend, half expecting to be tackled onto his back and having his chest used as a pillow. Instead, he felt something sharp clinging to his clothes, and something heavy curling around his shoulders. The white, scaly tail hanging off his shoulder made him laugh.

"What, we can cuddle like normal fucking people, (Name)?"

(Name) let out what was supposed to be a roar, but sounded more like a begging kitten.

"Alright, ya glorified lizard. You can stay like that for a while, but I wanna cuddle you like a normal person later."

The "Glorified Lizard" let out a cheer, settling in to watch tv with Bakugou.

"This just in," the familiar news anchor's voice said, "pro hero Ground Zero announces that he and his partner Avalanche will be returning to service shortly. Tonight, Japan can breathe a collective sigh of relief, as they will soon regain two of their best heros."

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