Trans Kirishima x Trans Male Reader

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(Name) sat on the floor of his dorm room, only wearing a pair of shorts and his binder. It was squeezing his ribs so hard it felt like All Might was sitting on his chest. (Name) took many deep breaths, hoping that would dull the pain. But it didn't. The pain just kept getting worse and worse.

"Hey (Name)!" Kirishima said cheerfully as he opened the door to his boyfriend's room.

"Wha- I thought I... thought I locked the door?" He replied, attempting his best to hide the pain he was in.

"Are you okay?"

Kirishima walked over to his boyfriend, sitting down next to him and holding his hand gently.

"How long have you had your binder on for?" He asked softly.

"Uhm... all day, I think."

The redhead frowned, quickly getting up and walking over to (Name)'s dresser. He grabbed an oversized sweater that his boyfriend kept for particularly bad days, and brought it over to him.

"Please take your binder off." Kirishima asked.

(Name) hesitated, but eventually pulled off his binder and slipped on his sweater. The release of pressure on his chest felt amazing.

Kirishima sat next to him once again, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders.

"I know how bad you might feel right now. I used to feel like that too before I got my top surgery. I know you probably want to keep your binder on all day and all night, but you gotta protect your ribs."

(Name) nodded, resting his head against Kirishima's chest.

"I love you." The redhead whispered.

"I love you too." (Name) whispered back.

"You're so amazing and handsome, I'm so lucky to have you."

"Aw, Kirishima, I should be saying that to you."

He laughed, leaning over to kiss (Name)'s cheek.

"Hey, I'm gonna go grab some snacks and stuff. Why don't you get your laptop and we can watch some movies together or something?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

"All right." Kirishima stood up. "I'll see ya in a little while."

He left the room, and (Name) crawled onto his bed, pulling his laptop onto his lap. He went onto Netflix, browsing the movies until Kirishima came back with a bag of chips, chocolates, and a few packs of Rice Crispy cookies. He sat down next to (Name), putting the snacks in front of them.

"Picked something yet?" He asked.

"Hmm, you feel like a comedy special?"


"Kid Gorgeous it is then."

"A classic."

(Name) smiled, hitting play on the video. He rested his head against his boyfriend once again, eventually falling asleep peacefully in his arms.

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