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The rich, warm secent of milk filled my nose. My eyes weren't open yet, but I could two other bodies pressed against me, and my mother licking my damp pelt. Snowkit let out a mew of protest. "Shh, it's okay, I got you." She whispered with a sweet, calming voice. I'm fine! Sheesh!

"What are we going to do! You know they will take them away from us! " mother freeted. Whose they? Why will they take us? "Just give the them to me, they'll live safely in a clan." A Tom suggested. That must be our father!

"Flamestar, we have to go soon," a other she-cat worried. Her voice was deeper than my mother's. "Promise me one thing, I'll see my kits every once in a while." My mother sobbed. "I promise," then, the Tom lifted Me and my littermate's up.

"What will we tell the clan?" The first she-cat askes. I tryed to open his eyes. I need to see where we are. I tryed, but strugled. "We'll tell them that we found them on the territory. I can trust you, right?" Flamestar mumbled through fur. I managed to squint. The calico she-cat nodded toughtly. Whose that?

Minutes later, they came into a camp of somesort.

"Welcome to Thunderclan, kits

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"Welcome to Thunderclan, kits." Flamestar whispered softly. Thunderclan? Now, my eyes were opened by now. There was a tall stone peack, two dens made out of leaves or something like that. And two dens was made out of brambles, and a fallen tree trunk were other cats sat. Is this our new home? A tortishell Tom walked over to us. "Were did you find those?" He hissed. He seems scary! I let out a squeal of alarm to let father know I did not like the tom. "Hey now," Flamestar tryed to reassure me. "I found them under a bush, mewing for help. We can't leave them. " Flamestar lied. Hey! Were your kits! "I guess," the Tom snorted a walked away.

Flamestar lead us onto the stone peack. My sisters opened their eyes finally. They were both gray, but one looked more, blueish. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather beneath hight stone!" Flamestar called. All kinds of cats gathered beneath the rock. "Me and Brightflower found these kits under a bush, crying for help. We both decided to carry them to the clan. Lionheart, since you have your own kits, can you raise these ones?" Flamestar asked. Everyone laid eyes one a golden tabby she-cat with her two kits, a brown tabby and  light gray she-cat. "Yes," She looked nervous.

Flamestar jumped down a dropped us down at Lionheart's paws. She had big, green, kind and careing eyes. "What's their names?" She asked. I turned to look at my father. " Well, that one's name is, Snowkit." He looked down at me. "That one will be, um, Rainkit." He glanced at my sister, than at my other sister. " and that one will be Bluekit." He licked each of us then ran off. My name is Snowkit!

We discovered we all have ice blue eyes. Bloomberg picked us up and carryed us to a big den made out of brambles. She dropped us at a mossy nest. "My name is Lionheart, my two kits are Lavenderkit and Tigerkit. I will take care of you guy's now." She purred. The brown tabby was Tigerkit, and the light gray she-cat was, of course, Lavenderkit.

Me, Rainkit and Bluekit played in the "nursery" all day till sundown. "Come kits, it's time to go to sleep." Lionheart called. She was really kind. We sucked for a while, then difted of to sleep.

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