Chapter 1:

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Snowkit opened his eyes from a exiting dream. He prodded Bluekit with his paw. "Wake up sleepyhead! It's time to get Rainkit back for scarying us yesterday!" He mewed. Bluekit smiled sleeply. They crepted up on Rainkit's sleeping body. "Do we both jump?" Bluekit whispered. Snowkit nodded. They both leaped on Rainkit, and screetched, "Got yah!"

Rainkit jerked up. " Hey! You mousebrains! What's wrong with you!" She hissed. Lionheart woke up. "Hey! Why are you kit's so noisey?" She hissed. Her gaze soffened. "Why am I even asking? You guy's are kits." She licked her kits, Tigerkit and Lavenderkit. Snowkit and Tigerkit usually played pranks on the other kits. "Today, I'm going to show you guy's the camp!" Lionheart motioned them to eat before they go.

" you guy's have to look your best when you meet the clan. My kits will meet their father, Sunfur, first. Then we can visit Flamestar. You guy's look a lot like him. " Lionheart gazed at the three curiously.

Why does everyone keep saying that! Snowkit wanted to know. Even thought I don't even know my own parents, shouldn't someone know? They finally left the nursery and into the middle of camp. Bluekit races over to a pile of dead animals like mouse, squirrel, bird and there was a huge rabbit! "Bluekit! Come back! That's the fresh kill pile! That's not for you!" Lionheart called.

A black she-cat came over. "You must be Snowkit!" She stopped and glanced at him. "My name is Applepaw, what's your littermates names?" She asked. My first cat to meet! "Oh, there names are Rainkit and Bluekit." He told her. A bigger gray Tom came over. "So, your talking to the out-catsed cats! " he sneered. Applepaw turned a hissed at him. "Don't listen to Stonepaw, he's just a stupid mousebrain." She swatted him away. A white tabby she-cat came over. She was much bigger than Applepaw. "So,you met the new kits." She sounds much nicer than Stonepaw. " Yes, That's Snowkit. His eyes look a lot like Flamestar's." She purred. Oh my gosh! I want to tell her so bad! "Well, I'm Bumblewing, Applepaw's mentor. We got too train." They started to walked away. "See you around," Applepaw purred.

"Let's go see Sunfur now!" Lionheart gather the lits. I hope I get to train with Applepaw, she seems nice and caring. Snowkit followed what seemed to be like a train of kits. Tigerkit leaped from a stone and scared Snowkit and Bluekit. "Hey!" Bluekit swiped at his muzzle. Snowkit had to stop himself from laughting. They finally stopped at what seemed to be the entrance and exit out of the camp.

"Gingerfur said he should be coming back from a patrol." Lionheart mumbled. She countined cleaning Lavenederkit and Tigerkit. Lavenderkit was still, while Tigerkit kept squrmeing. "Cut it out! You need to look decent for your father. Flamestar relies on him when Brightflower's not around. so he's an important warrior!" Lionheart hissed at her kit.

Moments later, a Light ginger tom, who looked tought, came out of the exit. Wow, that's were Tigerkit gets his muscels. "Hey!" Sunfur padded over. Lionheart ran up to greet him. Yew! I hope I never have a mate! Snowkit snorted in disgust. "I think love is a beautiful thing," Lavenderkit sighted. Only she-cats would think that!

Sunfur left later too get some sleep, and they were off to see Flamestar. Why is Lionheart so excited to see Flamestar? Lionheart stoped in front of a den with vines hanging down. This must be the leaders den! I want to be leader or deputy one day! Snowkit daydreamed of what it would like to be leader.

Flamestar stepped out of his den. "Why are you guy's here?" He asked. He sounded amused. Why would he care? Where just kits. Snowkit's heart started to thump as Flamestar came closer to his three. "I'll take you out later, to uh, go on a walk around the territory. " He whispered with a smirk. Why? Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Bluekit hopped up and down on the way to the nursery. Snowkit could barely keep his eyes open. Maybe I could take a nap before our walk with Flamestar. As they entered the den, Snowkit ran to his nest and closed his eyes.

Later in the night, something woke Snowkit up. It also woke Bluekit and Rainkit. Did Flamestar keep his promise? Snowkit peeked outside. And there he was, the leader of thunderclan.  "Ready to go on a adventure?" He asked with a twinkle in his eyes

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