Chapter 2:

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Snowkit couldn't believe his eyes. There, right in front of him, was the clan leader, Flamestar.

"Is Bluekit and Rainkit up? I want to take you out on a tour of our land." Flamestar asked.
" No, but do you want me to wake them?" asked Snowkit.

"No, it's fine. Let's go." Flamestar walked forward the dirtplace. " Wait, isn't the entrance over there?" Snowkit asked. "We have to sneak out through the tunnel. I can go out, but kits can't." Flamestar explained. As they snuck out the tunnel, Snowkit could here the guard, Redclaw, softly breathe.

The breeze softly blew Snowkit's fur. Sunkit looked around at their territory. This is my territory! I have a right to be in this propitey.
"Beutiful isn't it?"
Flamestar startled Snowkit. "I rember the first time I saw the forest." He continued. "With my mentor, Sandpelt. He was a good mentor. One of the best, till he died fighting a fox, trying to save his mate, Flowerheart. She gave birth to Brighheart and Sorrelstripe." Flamestar gazed into the sky.

" I can't teach you anything, that's for your mentor when your a apperentice. But I can show you the Riverclan border. " Flamestar raced off with Snowkit behind him.

When they reached the border, Snowkit saw the river for the first time ever. It was crystal blue rushing water, turning and bubbling.

"Riverclan is the only clan that swims and eates fish" Flamestar told him. Yew! Who would want to swim and eat fish!?

The sun slowly started to rise. "We must get going, we don't want anybody to know we were out." Flamestar gracefully walked back to camp.

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Back in camp, Snowkit quietly went back to sleep. Flamestar just sat on his stone where he make his annocements.

A paw poked Snowkit's side. Why!!?? Snowkit tried to ack like he was dead, but whoever it was wasn't bugeing. "Just wake up Snowkit! It's me, Bluekit. Want to go outside and see the dawn patrol leave?" There was some excitement in her voice. "Um, sure."

Bluekit and Snowkit sat and watched as the dawn patrol got ready to leave. "Who do you hope it think your mentor will be?" Bluekit asked.

"Maybe Brightflower, for some reason I fell a strong connection, like we been closer then when she walked by. But Sunfur is pretty cool too." Snowkit told her. Like we meet before or something. Brightflower might know.

" I heared that Bramblewhisker is pretty nice. " Bluekit watched as the patrol finally left. "Dosen't Tigerkit and Lavenderkit get made apprentices soon?" Snowkit wondered. I'm going to miss Tigerkit, even thought he does get wild sometimes.

"Bluekit! Snowkit! What are you doing out of the den!" Lionheart called. Lillyblossom started to mew softly. "Ohh, she's going into labor. Kits, you can go back outside. Lillyblossom I'll go get Amberglow." Lionheart picked up Tigerkit and Lavenderkit and ran to the medicine cats den.

"You heard what Lionheart said, we have to go outside." Rainkit lifted her head and paded outside.

" Well, we better followed the leader." Bluekit scofted. Rainkit thinks she the boss of everyone, hopefully she never becomes leader, but maybe I'll be leader!

"How about we play hide and seek!" Lavenderkit suggested."The she-cats can play that, the time will play play fight!" Tigerkit shouted. "I want to play!" Bluekit ran over to Tigerkit and Snowkit. " Good! You go have googly-eyes with Tigerkit and Snowkit!" Raining hissed.

"Thunderclan, I call a clan meeting at hight rock!" Flamestar shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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