Never Do That To Me Again

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Emily's POV

Ugh. What's that stupid noise? It sounds a lot like my stupid alarm. Why did I set it for so early? I just want to sleep. God I had a splitting headache. But the weird thing, is that I couldn't move to shut it off. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. It was all hazy for a minute. But soon my vision cleared up. I was looking up at a white ceiling.

Stupid white ceiling, I looked around and noticed I wasn't at home. I was in a hospital. And the beeping came from the heart monitor. What the actual fuck happened to me? I tried to get up, but it hurt too much to move. I grabbed the blanket and picked it up and noticed a big white bandage on my abdomen. It was red with blood. Then flashes of what happened appeared in my mind. Oh that asshole! When I get my hands on him! I'm going to fucking kill him! What was he thinking?! Bringing a fucking gun to knife fight. Fucking idiot. Pussy.

But then I heard snoring come from besides me. I looked to my left, I nearly jumped a mile into the air. I saw Dom laying his head down on the side of my bed. His hand in mine. He looked like shit, He also had bags under his eyes.

Wait DOM! So I wasn't dreaming about that part. I smiled so big that it hurt my face from how big it was, he was here. I shook his hand, trying to get him to wake up. He was never one to be a heavy sleeper. Trust me, I would know. I heard him snort himself awake, he rubbed his face against the blanket. I wonder how long he's been here. "Vince leave me alone", he muttered against the blanket. I giggled to myself, he was so laid back that he didn't even know I was awake.
He raised his head as soon as I let out a giggle. He squinted his eyes at me. I guess he was half asleep and it's always too blurry when someone just wakes up. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes. I could see that his eyes were a lot clearer and more wide awake.  He moved off of the chair and immediately moved to sit on the bed.
He cupped the side of my face with his big hand, it felt warm, so I leaned into it. It felt so nice to feel him, to feel his skin on mine again. After so long, I never thought I would ever be able to feel him again, especially after thinking I was gonna die. "Em?", he said, he seemed unsure of himself, maybe he thought he was still dreaming. I smiled softly at him. "Hey Dom", I said my voice uneven and soft, I guess from being asleep for so long. He got up to get me some water.

He pressed the straw to my lips and I immediately started to drink from the straw. Thank the heavens, that tasted good! It felt so good against my dry throat. You wouldn't even know. I watched as he watched as I sipped the water. But I could something was wrong, by the look on his face. For once it was hard to read the expression on his face. I slipped the straw out of my mouth after drinking half of what was in the cup. It pretty much told him I was done.

He set the cup back down on the tray, then he sat back down in what looked like a really uncomfortable chair. He scooted the seat closer to me. "Thank you", I said softly. I hoped he figured out that the 'Thank you' meant more then just for the water. He shook his head at me. "It's just water Em", he said shrugging. I sighed. I guess not, I shook my head too. "Not just for the water Dom, for being there. For saving me", I said. Because it was true, he saved my life, if it weren't for him, I would have died in that alley.

But then I watched as he looked away from me. I knew it, he was upset with me. For leaving, I knew it. I knew it wasn't going to be a very welcoming home, that they would be here with arms wide open like I hadn't left for so long. I could only sigh, I knew better then to say anything, because I knew he was going to say something. And I knew that he deserved to yell, scream or shout at me. He deserved, I deserved it. I didn't leave or send any letters, no phone calls, No nothin' and I can understand that if he does hate me for it.

"Why didn't you come to me before getting yourself into this shit? When I saw you, you looked like death itself. And I hated myself because I couldn't do a fucking thing, I couldn't just watch you die in my arms, I just couldn't watch the woman I loved die in my arms, do you know how scared shitless I was when the doctors told me that he didn't know wether or not that you would survive, because the bullet hit a major artery in your abdomen. Not only did they have to repair said major artery, but the bullet also hit your lung, you were breathing anymore. They hooked you up to wires so they could breathe for you! God damn it Em! You were in a coma for a month! A month! I didn't know if you would live or not! I was scared shitless! I was scared that I was going to lose you when I just got you back, I can't lose you," he said, his voice raising but also cracking. But what shocked me, was the fact that he was crying. He was crying.

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