Chapter 47- three words

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It lingers in the air. So obvious, so tauntingly present, and yet no one dares to break it. An impossibly brave feat that none of the weak children cared for.

Hoseok pushes everything aside- feelings, memories, desires. He tries to, at least. Neither of them talk about their Farris wheel moment, or even hint at it. Complications are better locked away. Pretending to be okay is continuously easier for Ji-won, harder for Hoseok. Every day it's worse for him, knowing she knows, knowing nothing will come of her knowledge, thinking maybe waiting will be worth it, thinking too much.

Ji-won, on the other hand, has a distraction. Another love, someone else for her heart to pay attention to, for her mind to wander to. Hoseok has only her, and with no one else to turn to, the pressure and rejection and guilt crushes him like nothing else. He's stuck, trapped in himself, in Ji-won, and it's only worse every day.

He is kind.

To jungkook, about the situation. He is calm and mature on the outside, no matter how corrupted his heart becomes. He handles the outside better than anyone could. He really makes it seem like everything's okay.

Although sometimes he wonders how much longer he can possibly keep it all up. Pretending becomes exhausting, overwhelming, painful.

He has never felt more impatient yet looked so content. A master he's become.

Spring break is flying by quickly, and for most of the group, it's a beautiful time. Fun, laughter, beaches, pictures, food, friends, everything you want for an ideal vacation. The tension is present, but only few are truly affected by it. Jungkook being one of them.

Things are fluctuating inconstantly with him and Ji-won. Although it may seem easier than Hoseok's situation, there's also a great deal of chaos in his mind. They talk, then they don't, they're salty, then they're not. He's in love, but he questions her willingness to commit. Her signals are all mixed, her words seem to have double meaning, and it's making Jungkook feel unstable. Their whole relationship is on a seesaw, unbalanced and dangerously close to tipping over.

It comes to their last day in Busan. They spend it exploring the city once again, riding rented bikes around the streets, getting fresh air and conversing endlessly. A great way to end their vacation. But for one unlucky person, their time in Busan isn't nearly over...



I take a long, deep breath. It's not as refreshing as I need it to be, since the steamy bathroom air makes my lungs feel humid. I pass my hand over the condensed mirror to see my reflection. I look tired, but it's not the late hour that caused the bags under my eyes.

I brush my teeth and cleanse my face, lazily dry my hair. It's already past 1 in the morning, and from what I can hear, everyone else is asleep. The lights in our rented house are all off, and unconsciousness lingers everywhere. I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep though, not with the terms me and Ji-won are on. Since yesterday we haven't spoken. Why are we so complicated?

Today was our last day in Busan, since tomorrow we're driving back home in the morning. The break was fun, but not what I wanted. I wanted to be careless and stress free, but it resulted in the opposite.

I pull on some sweatpants before finally opening the bathroom door and stepping out. Before I can start walking to my room though, I hear footsteps, and I instantly stop moving.

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