Chapter 57- stuck

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"No." My father snaps sharply, making such a burning eye contact with me that I avert my gaze. "Absolutely not."

"You're not even bothering to think about it." I say defensively, not giving up so easily.

"There's no thinking needed. You're simply being incredibly foolish and blind to reality. I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense." He says in a warning tone. His expression almost scared me.

"Honey, imagine being in her position." My mother insisted, thankfully siding with me. I wouldn't be able to even bring up the subject of college to my dad alone.

"If I were in her position, I wouldn't let some stupid boy ruin my future!" He yelled, making me flinch.

        "It's not just about Jungkook, I have more self respect than that." I mutter quietly. He ignores me.

         "We've had her future planned for years, we've discussed university endless times, and now she wants to change everything! And for what? For a worthless, undeserving young man who's dragging her away from everything we've raised her for."

"Don't talk about him like that!" I exclaim, clenching my fists. "You don't know him, and you've even never tried to."

"Why do you defend him so much?" He asks, stepping closer to me furiously. "I know exactly what's going on with you two. You let yourself get distracted, with something as unnecessary as romance, at an extremely crucial time in your life, after a lifetime of hard work and discipline. You're throwing it away to impress on boy."

"You can't make every decision for me! I'm 18, I'm an adult, and yet you still want to control me!" I yell, not even attempting to deny things anymore. My mom puts a hand on my arm to warn me, but I ignore her.

"I've spent those 18 years preparing you for a future worthy of honor, you ungrateful child." He said. "Until you're mature enough to accept reality and put your foolishness behind you, you are no adult. Stop pretending to be for your own convenience."

"I'm so sick of this!" I shriek, shaking from rage. "I'm not letting you ruin the new life I created for myself. This is the happiest I've ever been, and you want to take it all away from me because you're selfish. All you want is for me to succeed. That's why you ended up like you did, because you never understood that there's more to life than success."

"Ji-won, that's enough," my mother interjects, not taking my outburst any further. I continue anyway, words spilling out of my heart.

"You have a wife and a daughter you love you, but you're blind to that reality! All you care about is my goddamn grades and my goddamn education!" I yell, shrugging my mom's grip off me. "You never ask me about anything but school. You don't even know me, and yet you want to pretend that I'm yours to control, and I'm sick of it."

A brutal silence falls over us. I try to keep my breathing collected and slow, but my heart is beating too fast to allow me to hide.

"You can't possibly understand how disappointed I am in you." My father says in a low, hateful tone. A pain sparks in my chest, and tears spring in my eyes.

I've worked my entire life, wasted my only childhood, given all my effort to keep up the perfect image, to be the perfect daughter, all to hear that.

I couldn't hold back a sob before holding my breath to collect myself.

"Do whatever you want. Go ahead, waste all the opportunity and potential you have. Give it up for a bit of fun. You'll regret it all one day." He says finally, turning and walking out of my room, down the hall, and into his own. He slams his door with passion, and the echo rings in the air. My mother and I remain silent, and only then do I allow myself to break down. She holds me close as I cry onto her shoulder, gripping my bedsheets tightly.

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