Chapter Twenty Six

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'Ok everyone just a couple of things before the shower finishes' Jane announces, I look across the room at Will and he just shrugs his shoulders at me, looks like I ain't the only one who doesn't know what is going on.
'Ok I have two gifts for Will, Marie and Tyler.' Sue smiles as she starts to talk,
'I always wanted a daughter or granddaughter, but it wasn't meant to be. I was blessed with two sons, who both gave me three grandsons, of course one didn't make, but he's always in my heart. Then at the end of last year Marc drop the bombshell he has a daughter (everyone's eyes turn to me) and I was over the moon, to top that she is giving me my first great grandchild, and I couldn't be more happier. Now me and Marc have been talking, and we both couldn't decide what to give her, we both know we have missed so much of her life not to mention Birthdays, Christmas and all the big milestones in her life. So one part of my present is to come live with you for a month to be here when Tyler arrives and to be on hand to help you both' I smile and get up off the sofa with a struggle and hug her,
'Thank you Grandma' she smiles and hugs me tighter, as I release her from the hug she grabs my hand and holds it.
'And for the big surprise, I have sold my house and I am in the process of buying one not far away' I am surprised as I know from what Marc has told that was the house she lived in most of her married life.
'And I will be moving in with her' I turn at Marc incomplete shock, he smiles at me.
'I am giving you the house Marie, there are some adjustments that need to happen to it but it's all yours honey' I stare at Marc.

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