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Anna has always been an outcast.

She was born as Anna Aeryn Angel Bellestair. Early on- as soon as she was born- she was handed off to the New York Vampire Clan that lived in the Hotel Du Morte. No one there knew who her father was nor her mother, though she was of angel blood. Anna's parents have gone unnamed for so long. The name Bellestair was all that they had to go by when she was dropped off there. Her family was now with the vampires seeing as she was a half vampire child. Raphael was a vampire already and living under Camille's orders, which he followed without hesitation. 

Anna had gotten close to Raphael and had stuck by his side as she grew up. He was the only vampire to know that she was part angel and downworlder and he had kept it between them. Raphael was the one to introduce her to the New York Institute, she was ten at that point and eventually stayed in the institute because the Shadowhunters had become close to her as well, only they knew the reverse of what the vampires knew. 

They knew that she was of angel lineage and they made sure that she was taken care of. 

Hanging around and training with Jace, Izzy and Alec, she learned all of her skills from them. She became as beautiful as her Parabatai, Izzy, learned her silence from Alec, and her combat skills from Jace. Eventually, the others noticed that she hadn't seemed like she'd aged a bit since they were ten and began to question her, running her off back to the Hotel Du Morte. 

Anna became Izzy's Parabatai when they were eleven, knowing right then that they would be the best of friends, like sisters. Her rune lays above her heart on her skin while Izzy's is in the same place. She hadn't realized that later, when she turned fourteen, she would be taken back to the Hotel Du Morte. 

Raphael had come back for her, he'd waited for her to show herself and then he saw her. Taking her from the Shadowhunters and smiling as he did, explaining to her on the way back to the Hotel that she had to come with him. She was needed there, both for her Shadowhunter powers and her vampiric abilities. 

There she stayed with Raphael for four years [making her eighteen]After just a few years of being with Raphael, he decided it as his duty to Anna to protect her when he heard of something horrible about to happen to the Institute. An attack was going to happen and he had a feeling it would be bad and that she wouldn't come back to him again. 

He had to turn her. 

He had to kill her.

He would have to bring her back as a full vampire before the Shadowhunters come back for her. She was sixteen when he killed her and finished the ritual. He knew that she was strong and that she would be an outstanding vampire. With her blood as an angel and a vampire, she would be unstoppable both by any other vampire and to the Shadowhunters especially. 

Now, Anna is alive and well. She's a vampire and she is so much stronger than even a daylighter. She's on the hunt for Valentine, after meeting Clary when Simon came to the Hotel, she'd talked with him about her past and Simon told her about Clary, bringing up this person named Jace and she was intrigued instantly. 

She wanted to know more and had him lead her to them. He led her to them and she didn't mention that she was a vampire. Leaving Isabella speechless and scared that she's not who she is. 

Trying to tell them that she is the same Anna that they remember, she shows them the Parabatai rune over her heart. 

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