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Joe and I were always friends. Hell we were neighbors for God's sake. I remember how he was doing movies and stuff when we were young.

My fondest memory I've had with him up till now was my tenth birthday. Joe was at the premiere of Jurassic Park and my birthday was the next day.

No one showed up and I was heart broken. But, when it was 1:45 fifth teen minutes  before my birthday party was supposed to end Joe showed up.

"Joe I thought you were at the movies." I said in shock. "And miss your tenth birthday party. No ma'am" he giggled and hugged me.

We spent the rest of the day playing hide and seek and playing in the woods. It was so much fun. "Kelsey, I got you something for your birthday!" He said as we were running back to my house. I sat outside and waited for my present. Joe came out with a box. He gave me the box.

I shook the box. "Don't shake it open it!" He said in a frustrating tone. "Oh sorry." I slowly opened the box to find a little box. Then I opened that box. There was a necklace with my name on it. "Joe you didn't have to do this." I said surprised. "My mom said it was perfect for you." He blushed. "I love it don't take it the wrong way." I quickly responded.

The sun was setting and the site was beautiful. "Kelsey, do you want me to put the necklace on you?" He practically whispered. I nodded. He put the necklace on me. I was still in udder shock that he got me that.

"Kelsey? Is Joe staying the night?" My mother asked. "Are you?" I ask him. "My dad said it was fine." He told my mom. "Ok kiddos you have one more hour till bed time then. Wait before you go anywhere let me get a picture." My mom took her  polaroid camera. "Smile!" I had such a stupid smile. Joe was basically perfect in the photo. My mom took two photos.  "Okay mom let us play now please." I said annoyed.

That day was one of the best days of my life. Joe and I were like two peas in a pod. But when we starts middle school things changed. My mother would let me sleep over at Joes anymore and vice versa. My mother also pasted away when I was twelve forcing me to live with my aunt from Greenville which was about a hour away from Hyde Park.Joe and we lost connection with each other. For three years we didn't talk or anything.

But i found out my father was able to care for me again and I was able to come back home in June of 1998. Which means I can see Joe again.

It wasn't the same after I was him once again. That summer was the summer where I lost my innocences

Summer of 98 ~ Joe Mazzello Where stories live. Discover now