Chapter 12

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Luke’s POV

“Yes,I was trying to tell you all along” I said trying to compose myself.

I saw Jey’s pained expression and I was hurt as well to see him like this.I decided to clear things now since the three of us are here,I don’t know how to deal with the consequences,but I have to settle this once and for all.

“So I wanted to—“

“Let’s break up!” Jey shouted before I can finish talking.

“What?Wait…Jey –“

“I said let’s break up!!” he  shouted again ,and throw something at me.And I saw rings fall on the ground which made my heart throb.I immediately pick it up and as I try to chase for Jey,Myko stopped me.

“It’s over Luke”

I glared at him.”Why are you doing this?”

“Because I want to separate you from him Luke.You’re relationship will not last that long  anyway,I guarantee it. Besides you’re not suited for each other”He said .

I was taken a back of what he said. Is he saying this kind of thing out of jealousy?

 “You really are trying to win me back aren’t you?You’re jealous right?I’m sorry Myko,but I can’t answer your feelings.I already told you that this time my heart belongs to only one person,I love him Myko.I Love Jeylo so much,that’s why I’m sorry”

Myko just laughed at what I said.

“I’m not trying to win you back.I’m doing this to separate the two of you and I just did .I have to do this.I have my reasons”

After saying that,Myko  left me.

 Jeylo’s POV

Manythings happened and all I can remember is that I was so happy a while ago for I just bought some rings which I am planning to give to Luke as a remembrance for our first school fest together but when I arrived at our meeting place I saw Luke and brother Myko kissing.And due to the pain I felt with the thought of him cheating on me,I blurted out those words.Those words which is painful for me to say.

It’s over.I broke up with Luke.

I run as fast as I could to get away from them,as I wipe my tears away.It’s painful,really painful but still I tried to calm and fix myself as I blend into a crowd of people.I heard a familiar voice called out to me and then I saw Ritchie .

“It’s Luke who made you cry,Isn’t it?!” he said in an angry tone.

“I’m not crying” I replied trying to hide my face from him.

“I saw it ,I saw you cry Jey, ”

“It’s alright Ritch,we broke up already” I replied trying to hold my voice for I felt like crying.

“What?So Luke,chose your brother over you?!”

My heart was beating fast.Did I just hear it right?

“So you know about them?” I looked at him confused.

Ritchie heaved a sigh as he explained everything to me.I was surprised,pained and confused.I can’t even utter a single word and all I did was hug Ritchie for the pain I felt just doubled.I’m so pitiful.Why didn’t I notice it back then. So my brother is the one that Luke was having sex at the storage room that time. And because I witnessed the two of them,brother Myko broke up with Luke.That’s why Luke approached me for revenge and at the same time to get my brother back.And since his plan succeeded he was trying to ditch me.

Reflecting on these things I can’t stop myself from crying.I cried on my bestfriend’s arms.It hurts.It hurts so much.

“But Luke loves you Jey.He told me that he loves you so much”Ritchie added as he patted my back.

I laughed wryly to myself.Is that really his true feelings?If its true,then should I be happy?Still It’s hard to believe,that he loves me.Looking back,he didn’t even told me that he love me,I was always the one saying I Love You.I was the only one who’s serious about him.

“Since I told you everything I know,would you also tell me what happened?” Ritchie interrupted my thoughts.

I immediately wipe away my tears and straightened myself.I think I’ve cried enough.I don’t want Ritchie to see me in this  pitiful state any longer.

“I’m not okay,but I’ll be fine Ritch, I guess I  have to think things through and maybe this was the right decision”

“You did the right thing”

Me and Ritchie turned towards the owner of the voice.I glared at him and I saw Ritchie slowly clenched his fist .I know my bestfriend  was about to do something so I stopped him.I also asked Ritchie to leave the two of us for some private talk.

“How awkward,for the two of us to talk like this,you have some nerve to show me your face,huh,brother?” I said in a sarcastic manner.

“It is..,like I said a while ago,you did the right thing Jey”

I glared at him.How can he talk to me like this right now.I’m so irritated,I want to punch him this instant,for acting so composed as if nothing happened at all.

“Hate me all you want Jey,I don’t care..I have to do everything in order for you to become a worthy Harrison heir”

I looked at him confused.

“Father wanted you to inherit the company”brother Myko said.

“Why me and not you?.You’re older than me and is responsible,I know you can manage something like that” I replied in a sarcastic tone again.

“Father discovered my relationship with Luke,he discovered that I’m gay,and that’s also the main reason why I left Luke,I can’t involve him in my personal issues…I’m already a disgrace for our father,so  how can he entrust me the company?..At the same time,he successfully found mother and discovered you as well,he has high hopes for you Jey…This is the only thing I can do for him right now...I have to guide you Jey..I have to do everything,even removing all hindrances inorder for you to become an outstanding person,worthy of bearing the Harrison’s name ”

I felt nervous after hearing something like that from brother Myko.I can sense something bad is coming ahead of me.

“As if I care” I said as I turned my back and left him.

Harrison heir?Company? Those words still lingers on my mind and I’m really bothered.I guess I have to expect the unexpected.

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