Chapter 6 - The Consequences of Family

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Lena was already stopped by the front of her apartment building when Kara walked up, sweaty and checking her pulse.

"It took you long enough," Lena said. "Did you take a nap?"

"I grabbed ice cream," Kara replied with a grin.

"What, really? You got ice cream without me?"

"No." Kara chuckled. "How long have you been here? Did you skip your cooldown lap?"

"Uh, no. I, uh, I did that lap to cooldown thing. You're just slow."

"Whatever. You're just fast," Kara responded. "Seriously, I was fine for a while there, but you just didn't ever slow down. I couldn't keep up. Did you run track in college?"

"No, I was much too busy with school. There were Anatomy and Physiology I and II, General Chemistry, General Physics, Introduction to Biology, to Environmental Science, to Nutrition, Microbiology, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry—"

"Okay, there, okay, I get it. It sounds like you were made for science."

Lena's eyes widened, and she stared down at her fumbling fingers. "The Danvers, they were both scientists, Eliza still is, and my birth father was a scientist." Raising her head, she smiled. "I guess it's a combination of nature and nurture."

"Or something else," Kara said as she leaned in closer, brushing a few loose strands over Lena's ear. "From where I'm standing, I'd say you have really good genes."

"They're just, you know, genes."

"Not all genes are created equal." Kara smiled down at Lena who stared back wordlessly, then she raised her sports bottle. "I could use a refill."

"Oh, sure," Lena replied with a nervous laugh. "Your bag is in my apartment anyway. Come on up."

Lena led the way to her third-floor apartment. The interior was neat but not severe. Pictures of the Danvers hung on the walls showing a teenage Lena and Alex. Others were more recent with just the Danvers sisters or with them and Eliza. A few nick-nacks laid out on shelves, and several bookshelves lined the room housing anything from romance novels to the latest scientific journals.

While Kara explored a bit more with her eyes than she'd been able to do earlier, Lena left for the kitchen returning with two glasses of water.

"Thanks," Kara said as she took the glass. "I love running, but it does make you thirsty."

Lena hummed her agreement as she took a sip of her own water, but she paused as Kara examined the glass. "Is something wrong?"

"Is this a beaker?" Kara held the glass up, looking at the measurement lines along the side.

"A Christmas gift from my sister," Lena explained.

Slowly, a smile grew on Kara's face as she read off the words next to the lines on the beaker, bottom to top: Reactants, Yields, Products, and You've Blinded Me With... Science!! Kara took a sip of water before gesturing toward Lena with her head. "That t-shirt come from your sister too?"

Lena glanced down at her t-shirt that read, 'If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.' and nodded. "Alex thinks she's funny."

"Alex is probably right. So," Kara took a step closer, "I don't know about you, but I'm pretty hungry after that workout."

"I'm starving. I was thinking—"

"We should go out to eat. You know, grab some lunch together."

"Together," Lena repeated.

"Together," Kara replied as she placed a hand on the cabinet above and to the left of Lena's head and leaned in, "like a date."

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