Chapter 2

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I think this is a good picture for Gabe :)) If anyone has any other suggestions, leave them in the comments.

As they stepped out of the building, I rushed to the back to get my paycheck

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As they stepped out of the building, I rushed to the back to get my paycheck. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Grabbing the paper from my cubby, I stepped out of the backroom into the kitchen when Mr. Porter reached me. I had never seen him this way, and it scared me, a lot.

"You fucking bitch! I have not put up with you for two years to be repaid like this!" The next thing I knew he hit me. I tried to scream as he slapped me, but he covered my mouth before I could.

With my mouth still covered, he dragged me to the bathroom. I kicked and flailed, trying to escape his hold, but nothing I did helped. My heart was pounding in my chest a million miles an hour.

He cornered me and I leaned away from him, whimpering. "Please," I begged. He smirked at me before ripping my shirt off. Tears began falling out of my eyes as I realized what was about to happen.

No, no, no. This couldn't be happening to me. Damon and Gabe were right outside. They had to help me. "HELP!" I managed to yell before Mr. Porter knocked me down. He was kissing me down my neck as I struggled to get away. I felt disgusted by the slobber that now covered my neck and chest. Kicking him the gut, I started to crawl away, getting as far as the door.

As I opened the door, he tackled me from behind. The skirt I had been wearing was ripped off me, and now I was only in my bra and panties. I tried to cover myself up, while simultaneously backing away from him, into the kitchen. He had a crazy glint in his eyes, and I had no idea what he was capable of.

Tears were still streaming down my face. Why wasn't anybody helping me? I tried calling for help again. "Damon!" A ear piercing scream rang through the store as he grabbed a plate and threw it at me, the glass breaking and shattering all over my leg. I realized I was the one screaming.

I couldn't move anymore, but I could feel him getting closer. Just as he began pulling down my panties, footsteps came running into the kitchen.

"What the hell!" I felt Mr. Porter being lifted off of me before I heard a crack. I tried to get up, but the glass only dug into my skin more. "Liv? Liv are you okay?" I heard a panicked voice talking to me as I tried to control the dizziness.

Someone lifted me up and cradled me in their arms. I blinked back tears and whimpered as I felt a shard of glass digging into my skin. "Gabe, her leg is covered in glass!"

"Call Delaney, she'll be able to help. We can meet her at the hospital."

"NO!" I managed to say. They looked down at me in shock. "No hospitals." They were so expensive. I couldn't afford them right now.

"Liv, you're hurt. Badly," Damon tried to reason with me.

I swallowed, holding back a cry. "I'll be fine. I'm going home." I struggled to get out of his strong grasp and get onto my feet, but he wouldn't let me go. Instead, he picked me up bridal style and carried me out the door as if I weighed nothing. My anger and surprise overtook my pain. "What are you doing? I said I would be fine!"

He rolled his eyes at me. "And why would I listen to you?" My jaw dropped and I just stared at him. As he shifted my weight a little, I let out a small cry before biting my lip. He glanced at me concerned before noticing something. "Gabe! There's still glass inside her leg."

I felt Gabe rush over next to me. "Put her inside the limo."

I struggled a little bit more, but froze when Damon's lips came down to my ear. "You might as well stop struggling. You're coming with us." Oh. My. God. Did this count as kidnapping? It sure as hell should.

"Wait!" I yelped. "I'm going to get blood all over the seat," I groaned nervously, trying to find another excuse.

Gabe rolled his eyes before smirking at me. "It's just a car Olivia. Don't worry about it."

I frowned back at him. "A car that's more than my entire salary," I muttered under my breath.

Gabe motioned for Damon to hand me to him, but he ignored Gabe's open arms. "I'll do it," he said, seeming a little angry. As I sat down in the air conditioned car, I realized I was still only in my bra and panties. I gasped and tried to cover myself up, preserving what little dignity I still had. "Angel, we're going to need to see where the glass is," Damon told me.

"That's okay," I squeaked, huddling in the corner of the van.

Damon raised an eyebrow at me. "It's either that or you can go to the hospital. Your choice." I sighed in defeat before nodding my head in agreement.

He picked up his phone and called someone. "Hello? Alex? Yeah, we're in a...situation right now." He continued to talk, but I ignored him. Laying my head against the window, I closed my eyes, trying to assuage the pain. I could still feel his rough hands touching me. Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve this. I flinched in fear when I felt someone touch my leg.

Gabe turned to me, giving me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry you're going to be fine." He turned to face Damon. "What did Alex say to do?"

Damon turned to face him, a little bit of anger coming back into his eyes. "I'll do it." He removed Gabe's arm from my thigh before turning to face me. "Where do you live?"

I frowned at him. "I'm not telling you that!" I had no idea who these two men were, and somehow I was sitting in their car. There was no way I was going to tell them where I lived.

He rolled his eyes before turning back to the phone. "Just tell Delaney to get her some clothes. They look like they're the same size." With that, he hung up the phone and leaned forward. He opened the partition that was separating us from the driver. "Jackson, pull over. Gabe is going to switch spots with you."

Gabe smirked at him, seeming amused by Damon's anger. "Why don't you drive, and I'll stay back here with Liv." He used my nickname on purpose, because it seemed to anger Damon even more.

Damon ignored him, but pushed him out of the car. "Jackson, fix her," he ordered the driver who had come over next to me. Again with the demanding tone. But I stayed quiet as the man came over to me with a first aid kit, assessing my injury. The glass had only landed on one of my legs so I guess I got lucky.

I winced, but bit back a scream as the man pulled out a shard of glass before cleaning my cut with alcohol. Even with my high pain tolerance, this was extremely painful. I shut my eyes and latched on to the first thing I felt. When the pain was finally over, I relaxed and opened my eyes, only to find Damon looking down at me, an unknown emotion clouding his eyes.

I gasped in embarrassment when I realized that I'd been holding on to his arm this entire time. "Sorry!" I squeaked.

He ignored me and turned around. "Jackson, you can go back to driving now." Jackson, who still hadn't spoken a word to me, nodded and silently went back to the partition. The car stopped and the two men switched spots again.

Gabe and Damon kept giving each other looks. "Will someone please tell me what is going on right now?" I finally asked.

Damon looked over at Gabe, who gave him a small smirk and nod.

Damon looked straight at me. "Olivia, marry me."

~ ~ ~

CHAPTER 2 IS DONE OMG!Honestly, I've been so inspired and I wrote this chapter in literally a day. Maybe I'll even upload chapter 3 tonight if a few people want it!

How you guys want Olivia to react to the proposal?

Team Gabe or Team Damon?

Anyone have any ideas for who should play Damon? Still looking! If you do, comment here or send me pictures!

Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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