Laughing Jack

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Ability: Stretching his arms, Befriending any child, uses long claws to kill, manipulate children and adults dreams, can create candy easily, can appear out of nowhere, teleporting

Weapon: Long Claws to kill, poisoned candy

Killing method: Gives victims a painful and gory death. Most commonly, cutting victims torso open send pinning them to a wall so their organs hang out, so they can slowly suffer, and die

Victims: Children. Mostly lonely and helpless ones with no friends

Most seen: Anywhere near children and abandoned carnivals

How to defend: If a child talks, or draws about Laughing Jack, take them to a holy place, and throw them In holy water. Then check their room for a clown music box, and burn it. Make sure the child has lots of friends and that their never alone.
Avoid abandoned carnivals, abandoned carnival rides and tents. Never go out at night (he could appear behind you), if you see any old clown music box, burn it. Stay alert and safe, he's deadly. Be aware of your surroundings, especially around children.
If you summoned him, then run away as fast as you can, because he will come look for you and kill you.
If your being stalked by him, try to ignore him, and dont be scared. Dont take candy from a clown, or candy that came out of nowhere.

-Weakness is having a lack of candy, and Issac.

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