
5.1K 64 59

Ability: Stalking, agility, able to track down victims easily

Weapons: Two matching knifes

Killing method: Often stabs victims in the torso or chest, also known to mutilate people, especially in the lower torso. No matter what, your death will be a bloody and brutal death.

Quote: "Your time is up"

Victims: Anyone who, unfortunately, bumps into her at night.

Most seen at: Parks and alleyways late at night. Also know to break into houses. Rarely seen in the the day, if she is out, she wears her parka hood on, and hides her knifes in her pockets, with zippers closed to hide the handles.

How to defend: Never go to the park at night (12am-5am is when she's most active), stay away from alleyway at night, close and lock all windows and doors before 12am (try to get a special mesh so she can't break in), never wander alone at night, always carry a weapon.
If you hear a ticking behind you, it's most likely her. So, run into a building, or in a crowd. If that doesn't work, take out your weapon.
Try to have a guard dog, or home security.

Weakness- Maybe anything about her past

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