
4.2K 68 112

Ability: Idk

Weapons: Sometimes a metal pipe, also known for  carrying a gun

Killing method: Beating people to death, shooting them, or breaking into peoples houses

Symbol: Operator sign Quote: "Did you see me?" "He's a liar" "Your fault" "Last chance"

Victims: Anyone of Slenderman's choice or unsuspecting people wandering in the woods or abandoned buildings alone

How to defend: Hoodie is never alone, either Masky or Slenderman will be with or nearby. So keep an eye out for them too, or any other proxy.
Always carry a weapon with you, always, especially in dark areas, and remember to hide the weapon you carry.
 Lock all doors and windows, he will find a way to get in.
Stay away from abandoned buildings, streets, and dark allyways.
Get a dog (preferably: Pitbull, Bull Mastiff, Doberman) The dog might scare off Hoodie
If you see a note, or a long, white, faceless, cloathingless doll, DON'T take it! It could show him that you've accepted that you want to play his game of hade and seek, and he WILL find you.
If you see a guy in a yellow hoodie holding a Camcorder, Run.

*Also records Maskys kills.
Weakness-Try offering Cheesecake 

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