twenty-one: his angel

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Alone. All alone. Everything was black. Oh, but he wasn't alone, as for he heard many whispers. Too many whispers. All about him, about his mother, about his strange family. The voice was familiar. It was himself. No, his father. When did they sound so much alike? All harsh words of discipline, none out of care. The whispers slowly turned into loud screeches, and the darkness began engulfing him. Pain covered his body, like he had taken dozens of hits from a wrecking ball. He screamed and screamed, but nothing came out of his throat.

Help! Help! Help!

Then he saw it, or more so heard it. A streak of white light calling out to him. An angel, perhaps, sent to protect him. His mother? No, the voice didn't match. It was someone else, someone he knew all too well. Help has arrived, someone heard his muted cries. As it came closer and closer, his body began shaking, and finally, he opened his eyes.

The sudden light blinded the boy's sight, causing him to blink multiple times to get adjusted. He looked around to see that he wasn't in his shed but in a hospital room. Light snores at his left caught his attention. "The angel," a voice inside inside his head said, but he shook it away.

As Jeongguk got up from his position to lay back against his pillow, the door opened, revealing a blond with a bag of what seemed to be fruits.

"Oh, you're awake," Jimin said walking over and placing the bag on a table. He proceeded to take a seat on the stool to his right, as the one on the left was occupied. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked, and Jeongguk nodded slowly, not being able to meet the older's eyes.

"Doc said you fainted from malnourishment, and the fight you had with Tae sucked the last bit of energy you had," he explained.

Jeongguk once again nodded. He couldn't say a word to him, he just felt so much regret. The bandage placed on Jimin's cheekbone did not go unnoticed. "I-I'm sorry. For everything, all I did and said. When I saw my sister crying, it reminded of some terrible memories. And I was also really confused and shit was going on. Then you were there and I just took it all out on you. God, if I'd just used my brain. I regret it all. I'm sorry, Jimin."

Jimin flashed his signature smile as he reached out and ruffled the younger's hair. "It's alright. I see the sincerity in your words, and I get it, Somi explained a lot of it already. Oh hey! You didn't call me Shorty!"

The red-head awkwardly smiled and looked down. Maybe he just needed some food in his system to realize how stupid he had acted. He felt even more guilt now seeing how easily Jimin forgave him. He wished the blond had just given him a few hits like Taehyung. He looked at the sleeping silver-head, head held down him his crossed arms on the bed, noticing he had a bandage around his hand and wondered if he had any more wounds.

"Tae's fine. Just a couple cuts on that beautiful face of his, and his hand, but he's fine. Well, physically. Don't tell him I told you, but he was crying all night blaming himself. He wouldn't leave your side." There was a pause, before Jimin looked at him with a serious face. "Taehyung's a really good guy, please don't hurt him."

"I'm sorry," Jeongguk said, not knowing what else he could possibly do. No matter how many times he apologized, he knows he's blown it big time with everything.

"Tell that to him. The guys also hope you feel better. Also, your mom was here not too long ago, you needed a guardian and that's who Somi called. They left to eat at the hospital canteen, they should return soon." After informing him of all that he had missed, Jimin left leaving the two boys alone.

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