twenty-four: deception

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"Hey bitch," Jeongguk said entering Taehyung's room. He slid  his suitcase to the side before falling back onto the bed with a loud sigh. Taehyung stopped working on his project and span his chair to face the younger.

"Wow, what happened?"


Taehyung used his feet to steer his chair closer to the bed. "Tell me what happened, Bun." Jeongguk lifted his head to show him his sharp glare, before plopping it right back down. "I talked to my mom and father."

"How'd that go?"

"As anyone with a brain would've guessed, not good. Mom doesn't think she can have a life without father. That man doesn't give two shits and wants to send me to Hong Kong even after all that has happened. It's like me running away changed nothing. The asshole even booked a flight for Thursday."

"Why?" The older frowned upon hearing it, thinking about how upset he must be with his father to call him such words.

"He wants me to be far, but not too far. Far enough so that I don't have a reason to get in trouble, but close enough to watch over me."

"That's twisted," Taehyung said. He heard the younger sigh and wished he chose wiser words to say. "Don't listen to him, stay here. Show him you're not his puppet."

"Wasn't planning on going anywhere."

There was a long moment of silence that was broken by Taehyung clapping his hands. "Hey, let's cheer you up!"

"Not in the mood for anything, Tae," Jeongguk said lazily, adjusting his position on the bed so we wasn't laying across it and instead on a pillow.

Taehyung frowned and leaned back. He spun his chair so he faced his desk once again and grabbed his phone, sending Somi a quick text on how to cheer up a sad Jeongguk. The reply came almost instantly and the older smiled at her response. Jeongguk's guilty pleasure, something he drinks where no one can see: banana milk. Taehyung found it absolutely adorable just imagining the younger drinking his milk peacefully, and he couldn't wait to see it. He sprung up from his seat and grabbed his jacket.

Jeongguk tilted his head upwards. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back in a bit," the silver-head said, before rushing out his room and the house and sprinting to the nearest convenience store. He bought two packs of banana milk and left the store with a bright smile on his face, excited to give it to Jeongguk. As his eyes left the plastic bag, they landed on a limo that stopped directly in front of him. He didn't think of it too much and thought of just heading back home until the chauffeur came out of the limo and towards Taehyung.

"Sir would like to speak with you," the man said, hands motioning the car.

"Me?" Taehyung questioned, finding it all a little too shady. "Who?"

"Mr. Jeon of Jeon Incorporation."

"Oh, well, umm, alright." He was a slightly shocked to hear that it was Jeongguk's father who was reaching out to him, but it wasn't all too surprising. He wanted to know what the man wanted to say, so he followed the driver who opened the door for him and entered the limo. Inside greeted and very polished man that resembled Jeongguk, just with more wrinkles and minus the big eyes.

"Ah, Kim Taehyung. Good to see you again," Mr. Jeon greeted with a smile, a very plastic and practiced smile. He reached out his hand to which Taehyung shook with hesitation. The sound of the door being closed made the boy flinch, and soon felt the limo being driven off.

"I'll drop you off home," Mr. Jeon said, showing another smile that exposed his perfectly straight and white teeth. "I heard my son was with you. I hope he's not a bother."

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