twenty-three: different

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The distant sound of pans clattering woke Jeongguk up Tuesday morning. Light spilled over Taehyung's room through the window sill the older loved so dearly (something about the perfect spot to paint), proving the sun had just begun rising. Jeongguk eyes found the electric clock on the bedside table, he had woken fifteen minutes past when the alarm clock should've rung. After all, the boys slept way past their bedtime, but it's weird that his alarm had just snoozed when Jeongguk has never slept through loud sounds before. He noticed Taehyung was not on the sofa anymore, and Jeongguk raised his back to see he wasn't on the ground either. The silver-head was so adamant about not letting his guest sleep on the sofa, even thought it was how he was treated at the other's house, and forced Jeongguk into his bed.

Jeongguk stared at the wall of paintings, zoning out completely until he heard the creaking of the door. Taehyung popped in, lips curving into a smile seeing the younger awake. In his hand, he held a neatly folded set of clothes.

"Your uniform, we put it in the dryer before sleeping so it's all good. I've already placed a towel and a new toothbrush for you in the common bathroom, y'know where that is, right?"

The younger nodded, stretching out his hands with a yawn. "Thanks," he mumbled, voice all groggy, as he climbed out of bed. He then took the uniform out of his hand left the room. Taehyung smiled looking at his now black hair, proud of his work.

The two got ready as fast as they could, and thank god for the twins and Hana having their separate bathrooms or the process would've taken much longer. Jeongguk wore his bangs down instead of his usual parted hair as he didn't have the right gel with him, but Taehyung honestly preferred this do more, and for once wore his uniform neatly and all tucked in. On their way down, the voices became louder and louder, which was odd. He saw Hana up looking around for pans earlier but didn't know why.

Taehyung saw his family, excluding his dad who was most likely off to work, sitting around the island eating. His mother spotted the two boys and instantly got up to grab them each a bowl of rice.

"Come, come, eat. You boys have time," she motioned the two to sit. The two thanked her and took their seat.

"Mom, why aren't at work?" Taehyung questioned, scooping a spoonful of rice to eat with his tofu soup.

"Did you forget? Mom's officially on her leave," Hana replied instead.

"Gosh, your father just won't let me work. Anyways, I know you twerps have been calling those puff balls that are basically just sugar your breakfast but from now on I can't let that slide."

Perks of being the CEO's wife, you get a leave whenever you please, or in this case, are being forced to. She met Taehyung's father when they were at the age of twenty-six. She was an intern, and he had just gotten into the family business. Both nervous on their first day collided straight into each other and that's where their love story began. It was hidden from their parents until both got to a point where they held high respect in the company and positions. Mr. Kim's parents were glad to call such a intelligent business woman who can not just bring them great profits, but can also be at their son's side and give him strength their daughter-in-law.

It was one of the stories Taehyung had told Jeongguk to pass time as they waited for the dye to settle. Jeongguk couldn't help but compare his parent's life to his own. Oh how he envied Taehyung's family. He just had everything so good.

Once they finished eating, the two put on their coats and boots but Taehyung's mother intervened as she held two large jackets. Just one of them can solely can ingulf the two together. Taehyung stared at her with a blank expression, wondering where in the world she got that. His mother had a tendency to buy the craziest things without letting anyone know. That is how they have a random stack of glow in the dark toilet papers.

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