Chapter X: Songbirds, Roses, and Other Signs of Spring

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Beacon's last day of the school year had just seen its completion, and students were bidding their friends and teammates farewell with promises of keeping in touch over the summer. The courtyard was packed as students, with their many belongings, awaited the arrival of the bullheads to fly them the short distance back to the kingdom. Standing in the middle of the queue was (F/N), his few personal effects packed into a single, small black duffel bag which sat at his feet. He carried himself with a noticeable difference, his usually slouched figure now standing erect, shoulders back and chin up, a far cry from the shy boy that entered his sophomore year.

It had all been to Summer Rose and Raven Branwen really. Though he never would have imagined it, he had somehow caught both their attention earlier that school year, and for the past few months had been in a relationship with the two. Dating the two most beautiful girls in school did wonders for (F/N)'s confidence and self-esteem, and as a result, he saw his grades rising to new heights before the year ended. As much as he loved the two young women, as of now he was deathly afraid of being intercepted by either of them. He hadn't bid farewell to either of them, and feared facing their wrath for attempting to scurry away for the summer holiday without a proper goodbye.

The reason for (F/N)'s scarce attitude towards the two was due completely to the nature of his relationship with them. When first he was approached by them, they had proposed they fight for his affections and allow him to choose who he wanted to be with. As the last few weeks of the school year approached, the two had been pestering him nonstop, questioning him whether or not he had made his decision. Each time either of them asked, he would always respond with an, "almost, I just need to come to a final conclusion, I promise I'll let you know soon," or a, "not yet, it's just so hard to choose." In truth, (F/N) didn't want to have to choose either of them over the other. He knew that whoever he did choose, the other would be heartbroken, and the fact of the matter was (F/N) had fallen in love with them both. Choosing between Summer and Raven would be like choosing food or water, you can't survive without both. And for (F/N), he couldn't be with one and not the other, his heart simply wouldn't allow it. So, instead of giving a straight answer, he had run, hoping to escape until the next school year. Sure, they would be furious the next time they saw him, but hopefully he would have a decent excuse by then.

The line for the bullheads was getting smaller and smaller with every passing minute, as the airships continued their never-ending cycle of pick-up and drop-off. (F/N) released a sigh of relief as he reached the front of the line. He was just about to set foot on the ship when a vice-like grip took hold of his ear and dragged him out of line. Through the tears of pain welling in his eyes, (F/N) could just make out Raven's angry form just in front of him, leading him to a cross armed Summer just a few meters away, waiting outside the cafeteria.

"Ow, ow, ow. Raven, please, ow!"

Reaching Summer, Raven grabbed (F/N) by his collar and threw him against the stone wall. Rubbing his ear, (F/N) nervously glanced upwards, immediately cowering at the angry glares that looked down at him.

"Uh, h-hi you two." (F/N) said sheepishly.

The phrase 'if looks could kill' gets tossed around a lot, but it should really be saved for situations such as the one (F/N) currently found himself in. Summer was glaring at (F/N), he jaw clenched, while Raven bared her sharp teeth in anger.

"Look, I understand you're upset." (F/N) said, attempting to be diplomatic.

This was not the right thing to say, as Raven and Summer both advanced on him.

"B-Before you kill me, please at least give me a chance to explain myself."

Raven and Summer exchanged a look before nodding, their heads then turning back to the cowering figure in front of them.

Signs of Spring: Male Reade x Summer Rose x Raven BranwenWhere stories live. Discover now