AmeriPan Secret Santa 2018

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((Can't wait to post this on my snazzy new ao3 account

As soon as i figure out how to use it. I'll keep you guys posted on that.

For @/cottonroads on Tumblr))

Winter blew chill in Kiku's face and called it festive. Winter took the very foundation of his cuddling routine and reduced it to a proper mess of peppermint cocoa and his boyfriend digging out his prehistoric snuggie. Coldness made Kiku refuse to canoodle under the snuggie with Alfred.

"Ok, maybe the snuggie is a bit much- can you really blame me?? These things are cool as-"

Kiku sighed, interrupting any further talk of the article of clothing that ought not be named. "Alfred," He chided, throwing a small grin in the other's direction, "Please, what would you like to play?"

Alfred mulled it over for a moment, eyes trailing to the snow falling out, the slow pattern facilitating his contemplation. "Deluxe," He settled on, matching Kiku's smile with a grin of equal youthful playfulness. Mario Kart was their ceremonial bonding ritual at this point, but it always got Kiku worked up despite his best attempts to avoid that. He couldn't imagine why Alfred wanted to piss him off with blue shells on Christmas, but it was his choice.

Alfred started up the system with far too little regard for the force he put on the doc to the gaming console, and his boyfriend's rapid protests never got him to stop manhandling his belongings. They set up their rounds, and played for fun, somehow managing to not care who won or who lost. it was most likely the spirit of the holiday subtly imbuing itself into their moods.

Kiku had lifted his drink for a moment while the next track was loading, his eyes shifting to the man next to him. His features were lit by the blue light the screen emitted, and really, when his features were framed that was he couldn't help but stare. If Alfred picked up on the fascinated way Kiku glanced at him, he would probably show off a bit, but he unfortunately never did.

His eyes turned back to the screen, and he focused on it with his full attention again. A face like Alfred's made it hard for him to distract himself from the urge to partake in some good old PDA, private display in this case. Ah, yes, the prime staple in every teenager's diet. Alfred had eased him into small kisses about a month ago, but actual smooching wasn't exactly on their relationship repertoire just yet. It wasn't like Kiku didn't want to, he was just hesitant with who he let get close to him, emotionally. Also, he was fairly certain that if Alfred kissed him out of nowhere as he most likely would if his lips were declared open for business,

Wait a moment- Alfred was his boyfriend. This was Christmas. Someone wring the bells of clarity because Kiku might just have an idea. Alfred was on a bit of a winning streak. Why not throw an incentive into the mix?

Alfred was surprisingly down with the whole proposition, to the surprise of no one. Kiku couldn't stifle a laugh as Alfred put on a more serious game face, ready to win a kiss with a super show of adept mario kart badassery. He beat Kiku about 25% of the time, but if he really put his all into it, he might be able to even those odds. Maybe Kiku was willing to let him win? That was a fairly sweet thought, but he doubted it.

Alfred was twiddling his thumbs as the race timer started to count down from three, endearing in Kiku's eyes. He spent much of the race ahead, due to a faulty red shell that set his boyfriend back a few places, and it finally occurred to him that he didn't know if he needed first place, or to just place higher than Kiku. Screw that, there was a high quality reward on the line, and he wasn't taking any chances.

Every time his kart drifted, he put his whole body into it, nearly knocking Kiku into the arm of the couch several times. Kiku nudged him gently in return, heckling, "You aren't cheating, are you Jones? No need to push."

That was a challenged and a half if Alfred's ever heard one. He was now one place behind Kiku, and it was obvious that playing it safe wasn't going to cut it. He put all of his faith into one trick shot that would put him in first place, and if he could just keep his place for another thirty seconds, he was home free. Kiku was right behind him, attempting to drift into a speed boost, making Alfred swerve tastfully to avoid such a thing from happening. He could count the seconds left.





Alfred did it. He actually did it! He beat Kiku at his little game, not to mentioned he glided over those thwomps like he freaking owned them. Such a childish way to phrase it, but Alfred was feeling rather innocently giddy at the moment. How to cash in this prize coupon, then? This was simply not a ride in guns-a-blazing affair. This was laying the smooth romance onto an unsuspecting boyfriend. This had to be done with the utmost amount of refinery and dexterity that his 16 year old hands could muster.

He yawned. One arm wrapped around Kiku's shoulder, pulling the lithe boy closer to him. He offered a "hey," the hallmark of a classic cool kid, and Kiku laughed, glancing to the side as his face flushed a pretty shade of red. Nailed it, the cheesy atmosphere was officially set.

Kiku shifted a hand to Alfred's lap semi-awkwardly, using it to support his weight as he leaned over and and stared up at him. His eyes were as blue as the screen that was shining light into every corner of the dark room. Alfred suddenly clammed up as well, not really wanting to admit that he was more nervous than he let on. His eyes closed instinctively as Kiku drew closer, and pressed his lips into Alfred's.

Honestly, it was nothing like those sparky heart fluttery moments that you always read about in fiction. It was just warmth, and the taste of peppermint and chocolate that Alfred had guzzled before the match. Despite that, it was surprisingly pleasant. "'Merry Christmas...?" Kiku uttered nervously, drawing away from Alfred by a few inches.

"Merry Christ..." Alfred seemed to forget that face for a moment, before he lit up with a revelatory 'Oh!' "Well, that's kind of beat, I wanted to kiss you first. You're beating me at my own game here, Kiku." He puffed his cheek and picked up his joycon, looking at the highlighted option to move to the next track on the screen.

The smirk Alfred gave him made Kiku's stomach do a small flip. "Feel like letting me win again~?" How forward of him! Then again...

"I'll consider it, if you take the little couch tonight."

"Done and done. Pick a course, babe~"

After another two rounds Kiku stopped trying to win. With open arms, he let Alfred cut the racing crap and just kiss him.

Kiku left the curtains that typically obscured the window open that night, and Alfred never took the small couch, despite the deal that they struck. They were lying together, Watching the moon through said window. The game was off, and the room was now almost entirely dark, save for the sliver that shone on them. Kiku looked up to tell Alfred that he was glad to spend the night with him, sighing when he realized that the boy was already asleep. He earned the rest. Kiku tried to close his eyes, but found that he couldn't lie down quite as easily. It was practically tomorrow already, and he was tired, but he figured that he could stay awake for just a little bit longer. Watching the drifting snow and feeling the calm drifting of Alfred's breathing filled him with a sense of ease that he wanted to enjoy for just a little while longer.

Kiku woke up alone on the couch, draped in a large blue snuggie. For a second he refused to believe that this was the reality he was currently living in, but it seemed like Alfred truly had woken up a short while ago, as evidenced by the tea he left for him on the end table. It was a small thanks to leave in exchange for last night, he figured.

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