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I walked down sunset strip with a cigarette snug upon my lips, walking past numerous topless bars filled with men who yearned for a women's touch."Welcome to the beginning of everything" Dorothy declared as she opened the door to the London Fog.

The sound of adolescent intellect being shared throughout the room began to cloud my mind. Go Go dancers moving their bodies to the rhythm of the beat. It was as if time and reality had stopped in this very room.

'The Doors' were later presented and each member slowly walked upon the stage. There was one man that caught my eye however. His presence sent me in this automatic state of admiration. His voice was like heaven.

"That's Jim Morrison" Dorothy yelled into my ear. The music started to control my body, I shift to the edge of the booth just to see his heavenly face some more. I noticed how he would turn his back to the crowd, not ready to unleash his mojo.

As the music ended, all I wanted was to touch him, for his voice to send me into another trance. I fell back into the booth in the arms of Dorothy while sipping a glass of whiskey.

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."
-Friedrich Nietzsche.

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