Chapter One

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After years of living with the torturous Mrs. Williams, Evie Davis had grown accustomed to the wrath of her foster mom. What Evie hadn't expected when arriving home, however, was a box of her stuff sitting on the front porch. Nor, had she expected her key not to work when she put it in the lock.

She gripped the key in her hand and tried putting it in again, hoping irrationally that she just put it in the wrong way, or hadn't turned it hard enough. But no, the lock still didn't budge.

Evie swore as she yanked her key out. If she was being honest with herself she had expected this, just maybe not so soon. She had two days until she turned eighteen. Two days until Mrs. Williams stopped being paid by the State to take care of her. Two days until Mrs. Williams had made it clear that she would not be welcome there anymore. Two days until she lost her home again.

Feeling a bubble of anger rising, Evie pounded on the door. Mrs. Williams couldn't do this... Right? In any case, she had more stuff in that house than what was in this old amazon box. Evie pounded on the door again, her patience beginning to run thin, she was mid-knock when the door flung open.

"What do you want, don't you know what time it is?" Mrs.Williams spat at her.

"My key didn't work, and I couldn't get in. Also, what is a box of my stuff doing on the porch?" Evie asked raising her eyes to meet Mrs. William's a hint of challenge sparkling in her golden irises.

Mrs.Williams visibly huffed and crossed her arms. "You turned eighteen today Everleigh, your not my problem anymore. The stuff that I set out on the porch is everything you own that wasn't something I could sell. Considering you left all your junk in my house you should be grateful I even put that out for you. "

Evie glared at her foster mom feeling rage stronger than she ever had before. She had lived with this woman for six years and in all that time Mrs. Williams hadn't even bothered to learn her birthday. Or even realized that she hated being called by her full name. Then again, maybe she did realize and simply did it to irritate her.

"Two days," Evie said, trying to keep her temper in check.

"What?" Her foster mom asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If you think I'm going to let you stay here two more days your-" Evie cut her off.

"My birthday is in two days. If you had bothered to check the calendar you would have known that."

And that was true, Evie had bought a refrigerator calendar to keep up with the days she was supposed to work. When she turned the calendar to March she has circled the 22'nd and wrote, "My 18th Birthday." In the little box.

Either Mrs. Williams was just so unaware of everything around her she hadn't noticed it. Or maybe she just had too much to drink and forgot what day it was. From the smell of her, the second scenario was much more likely. The sickly sweet scent that radiated off her and the light gleam of sweat on her forehead told Evie she had definitely been drinking.

Mrs. Williams was silent for a long moment before asking, "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Evie snapped. "It's my birthday!"

Evie let loose a long sigh before saying. "Just let me get my stuff and I'll get out of here, ok?"

She was so tired of fighting, so tired of people obviously not wanting her around. Living in her car for a few days until she figured something out would be better than this. Had to be better than this.

"And why should I?" Mrs. Williams asked giving Evie an evil, almost feral grin.

"I gave you your clothes and shoes, " she went on. "You have everything you need. Do you have any way to prove I kept any of your other stuff? I mean who's to say you haven't been stealing from me all these years and I'm just reclaiming what's mine. After all, it would be just your word against mine. A dirty, lying, bastard girls word against the word of a sweet woman who spent the last six years raising an ungrateful orphan. Who would believe you?"
Her face twisted even more as she said those last few words, and if Evie hadn't known better she would have thought Mrs.Williams had been possessed by a demon.

Evie felt anger pouring through her, boiling her blood. Anger and rage stronger than anything she had ever felt before. Evie knew life wasn't fair, but this had to be some kind of joke. After everything life had already thrown her way. This is what set her over the edge. The thought of what few earthly possessions she had, being stolen by this evil child abusing monster. It was just too much.

"Bitch," Evie thought as red hot rage pounded through her veins. She took a step closer to Mrs. Williams meeting her gaze. Mrs. Williams took a step back looking petrified which sent a rush of pleasure down Evie's spine. She had never felt this powerful, it sent a tingling sensation down her arms, it was almost as if she had just been plugged into an electrical socket and she loved it. She loved the power she felt, loved the look of terror on Mrs. Williams face, even if she didn't understand what was happening.

"Evil, awful, lying,-" Evie continued taking another step towards her.

"L-look just take your stuff ok? Take whatever you want, just leave." Mrs. Williams voice actually shook with terror. "P-please, Look if you want your money I-I spent most of it but there's a little left I- I umm I'll get my checkbook."

Mrs.Williams took off down the hall faster than Evie had ever seen her move before and the realization of what just happened hit her, stopping whatever surge of power she had been feeling. Vanishing as quickly as it came the sudden loss of power left her feeling empty and completely wiped out. Shaking her head Evie told herself to focus, she'd think about whatever just happened later. For now, she just needed to get her stuff before Mrs. Williams changed her mind. 

**I hope you guys like this first chapter of Hidden Wings! It's still kinda rough, but I hope you all enjoyed it! Let me know what you think! Chapter 2 will be posted soon!**

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