Hello Effy💖

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15 full hours and I finally land from this god awful cigar tube. I make my way to baggage claim and pick up my 3 bags. I walk out the front gates and immediately spot my best friends Effs. I sprinted toward her as fast as I could her running right at me. We embraced each other two of my bags falling completely out of my grip. I don't care last time I seen effy I was 10. Now shes gorgeous. We didn't say a word to each other just how we liked it but exchanged our regular smirk to each other. She picked up one of my bags and linked her arm in mine as we made our way to her parents my aunt and uncle. I nodded as they hugged me. Effy and I always had a way of speaking without words we keep it up with each other. Mainly because it's the only thing we have. On our way home we remain silent only exchanging nods and smirks. When we make our way up to what used to be Tony's room. Now my Effs. I was surprised.
"So twat what'd you do?". I felt relived to here her voice finally.
"Well, selling weed is still illegal along with ecstasy". I replied shrugging my shoulders.
"Well now we can get a party started!". Effy grinned and pulled me up on her bed so we could bounce around like we used to. She pulled out her spliff and handed it to me.
"Let the trouble begin!". She winked at me and I unpacked my stuff in her room and laid on the bed.
"By the way we start college tomorrow!". Effy nearly screeched
"Joy!". I sighed and pulled the covers over my head jet lag will kill me that's for sure.

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