Confession (Lams: Angst)

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This is my first oneshot please criticize nicely. Thanks! M.F.F.
John Laurens paced around his apartment, nervously ever since he sent a text to his best friend and crush, Alexander Hamilton. Alexander is John's everything, they are always together and is fighting, laughing, writing or drawing, and they do a lot together.
Fuck. Why did I sent that text to come over! You're an idiot John. John thought, as he's hoping Alex won't come over.
As John continued to pace around, he started to think of the negative possibilities that Alexander could react to this confession. John's heart started to beat fast like a cheetah, running and looking for prey to eat. His sight became blurry as hot tears started to slide down to his cheeks and mouth. The salty liquid brings up memories of sadness, happiness, fear and more than he couldn't possibly think of.
His stomach and bladder are fighting for control to see who will win to come out first.
     "God damnit. I know I have to tell Alex but he'll might hate me," John mumbled anxiously, as waited for said name to be here.
The door bell rang indicating someone (Alexander) is here.
John almost let out a yelp, the devilish sound taunting him as he made his way to the door. John inhaled and exhaled, then opening the door to find Alexander, happily grinning at him.
     "Hey! What's up good looking!" Alexander exclaimed proudly.
     "Hey! Long time no see. Come in," John stated as he lets Alex in and closes the door.
John leads Alex to the couch offering a water, which Alex took, and sat down next to him.
     "So you said that you have something to tell me, but I also have something to tell you as well!" Alexander proclaims, obviously excited.
     "Oh? You go first. What is your news?" John questioned, slightly feeling better having to not confess any sooner.
     "So, you know how me and Eliza are dating? Well I finally popped the question to her and she said yes! We're getting married!" Alexander yelled with as much excitement as possible.
John froze. He knew Alexander and his now fianceè, Elizabeth Schulyer, have been dating for a year now, but Alex and her has had problems lately and always seemed to be at the point of breaking up.
He was shocked.
     "O-oh um that's amazing man! Congratulations to you guys," John stammered, as he tries to not show any emotion regarding sadness or anger.
     "Yeah! Proposed last night on her father's birthday. Everything was perfect! Oh! sorry I forgot about your news.
What did ya want to tell me?"
     "Fuck, um well I... You know what it's nothing, nevermind. Tell me more about what happened last night," John sniffled, as tears fill his eyes.
     "John? Oh shit are you crying? What's wrong? Alexander worryingly asked.
     "It's nothing I swear. Continue with your story."
Alexander looked at John with disbelief covering his whole face. Clearly there's something wrong with him! Alexander thought hopelessly.
     "There's something wrong right now. Please tell me, I want to help you," Alex consoled John
     "Lex, please I swear nothing is wrong."
     "Bullshit, John tell me now. Please!" Alex barked, getting upset.
     "I can't, you'll hate me and I won't be able to handle that!" John sobs.
     "John I swear I will never hate you. You're my best friend. Please tell me," Alex pleaded to John.
John continued to cry and all Alexander could do is hug and comfort him. Alexander tried to make John stop, but it seemed he couldn't.
     "Shh shh, John calm down. I'm sorry I tried to push you but I'm just worried about you," Alexander whispered, as his voice cracked with too many emotions.
     "Alex...I'm sorry but... I'm in love with you. I have been ever since we met. You make me happy and you always seem to push away all the negativity in my life. I'm so grateful for you. I love you."
After he confessed, John looked down in shame, as tears and snot ran down and smeared his face and clothes as he tries to wipe them away. Meanwhile Alexander just sat there not saying anything, he couldn't speak, think or even breathe. This worried John as more tears rushed down his face, like a powerful waterfall. No no no... Why did I tell him, now he hates me and wants nothing to do with me. Fuck.
    "John.... I-I'm sorry I don't feel the same way. I love you like a brother but not a lover. Me and Eliza are getting married and damn, I shouldn't tell you this but Betsy's pregnant as well. I'm sorry John but I can't love you like I love Eliza..."
John swore his heart stopped right there and he couldn't breathe or move. Like a dam, he broke.
     "O-oh I-I... Congrats Alexander. You deserve her. S-she will make a lovely wife. Also a great m-mother to your child. You should go, be with your pregnant fianceè. L-love her like I do to you," John advised Alex, as he ran to his bathroom and locked the door. John couldn't bare to see Alexander, because if he did he will most likely kiss him or punch him. One or the other works.
     "John wait! Please open the door. I'm sorry I-I don't know what else to say," Alexander begged, as he pounded the door with such fierce power, John thought he would break his door into pieces.
     "Alexander, please go home Eliza needs you. I'll be alright. Treat her right for me. That's the least you could do for me."
     "I'm so sorry John," Alexander agonized with such pain as he left John's apartment, hoping John will forgive him. He wonders if they'll be friends again. Futhermore, John just sits there, curled up into a ball wailing and sobbing as his heart breaks into pieces. John wanted nothing more than to be with Alexander, but he'll try to be alright without him. As long as Alex is happy, then John can handle the consequences. It's only a matter of time before something happens.

(Btw do you guys think I should make a part two of this??  M.F.F.)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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