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Todoroki looked over to you, his eyes defining pure desire. You lay sleeping on your bed. It was shocking to him, how you made him feel, the way he'd do anything for you. He had this unhealthy infatuation with you, he knew that if you'd find out you won't like it. He knew that this obsession for you only grew every day.

He moved away the hair covering you're face, he smiled deviously and took pictures of you in your bed sleeping. He'd go crazy if he found out that you were dating, well too late, he found out eventually, his current goal was to kill that person, without you finding out.



"Beep! Beep!" The alarm rang annoyingly, I reached my hand out carelessly on the bed table to find the alarm, BINGO! I grab the alarm and throw it on the wall. But, the alarm is yet so...alive. "Beep! Beep!" It went off.

I got up, facing the alarm that lay on the floor, nearly shattered apart. "It's on, you little-" I jump off the bed and crouch to get a hold of the alarm. I lift it and force it on the wall. "You're not damn Nokia, I can finish you right now" I swing my arm and throw it on the ground harshly.

Stupid alarm,I need sleep bij. I walk towards my bed, the air flowing swiftly. Air? I look over to the window. "How could it be open, I think I closed it yesterday" I thought over what I did.

"Whatevs" I mumble and lay on my bed. My eyes felt heavier by the minute. "Ring! Ring!" My phone went off. Fuck, these electronics are sucking the life outta me! I pick the phone up without looking at the caller Id.

"Whose this?" I groaned.

"(Name)-chan, it's me!!" My boyfriend spoke from the other side, his happy voice filling my ears, a rush of energy flowed around my body.

"Oh, Kiri" I put my hand on my forehead and gasped at his thought.

"You're coming to school right?" He said hurriedly, as he shuffled something.

"Yeah. Just to see you tho, my heppy bean" I chuckled and got up from bed, went to the bathroom.

He laughed and sighed. "I wuv you" He said.

"Naw, I WUV YOUU" I said as I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush. "Kiri, I am getting ready so-" I said hurriedly.

"Oh, I understand. See ya at school" He said as he hung up.


I rush to the school without looking around properly, and I ended up bumping on someone. "I am sorry, I wasn't-" I looked to see who the person was, Todoroki, that strange boy in my class.
He gently smiled and began "it's oka-" He was speaking but I noticed Kirishima behind him waving at me.

I waved back and rushed to him, completely ignoring Todoroki.
"Kiri" I said with excitement and hugged him tightly, he hugged back and smirked. "You know? I got you a little something" He said as he pulled out a limited edition action figure of (fave hero).

I felt my eyes sparkle towards him, I faintly smile and held the figure in my hand and examine it. "How did you get it? I searched for it everywhere" I grasped the figure and tugged Kirishima's shirt.

"For you, I can do anything" He deviously smiled and hugged me tightly, I smile at him. Our little moments of happiness, my time with him is what I cherish the most.

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY, ASSHOLES" Someone shouted as I felt someone distancing me and Kirishima apart. Who else could it be? Katsuki Bakahoe. He's a big time jerk, and he always seems to be around in our happy moments but there are times when he's nice and calm which is Indeed Super rare, but nevertheless he was my bestfriend, also my childhood crush but er, not much.
Speaking of best friend, he was only my bestfriend until I started dating Kirishima, I sort of maybe pushed him away?

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