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3: Hell History

Third Person's POV

"The nerve, I just can't take his out of his world rudeness. Can I like, kill him?"

"Nana calm down and you can't kill him. Stay pure and I'll do the killing." Donghyuck just laughed seeing his best friends get pissed but can't do anything.

"Both of you just chill out, if I were that Mark Lee I'll be laughing seeing you get pissed but not doing anything." He stated chuckling. Both Renjun and Jaemin sighed realizing that Donghyuck is right, being pissed right now at Mark would do nothing to the latter.

"Let's just go to our next period Injun. See you later after school Hyuckie!" Jaemin said waving his hands to Donghyuck who went the opposite way, smiling as Donghyuck did the same.

"What's our next Jae?"

"It's history." Jaemin answered looking at his own time table while heading to the room. Renjun just sighed because history class needs you to read a lot, it's not that he hates reading, he can't just last long reading a book all the way. He's the type of person that falls asleep after reading one page.

"Oh I forgot to ask, who's your science partner?" Jaemin asked Renjun because he didn't really paid attention when Renjun's partner got announced because he's too worried and too annoyed at thinking that he got paired up with Lee Jeno who skipped Science class.

"It's Nagisa and for the social studies is Karma. The three of us are group mates in English." Renjun answered taking the seat next to Jaemin again.

"I only asked about your Science partner tho,"

"I know you'll ask about the other subjects too so I just made it easier for you to get the information you want Mr. Na." Renjun said grinning at Jaemin.

"Welp you got me there." Jaemin said cutely making the both of them laugh.

"Karma! Just stop it already! It's fine now!" Nagisa's voice was heard in the hall getting the attention of everyone even the students that already inside their classrooms. Hearing the name Renjun immediately stood up from his seat going to the place where the students are gathering with Jaemin following behind him. Renjun can see Karma almost lifting a student from the floor gripping the student's collar with his eyes ready to kill. The student's mouth is already bleeding probably because Karma punched him already. What shocked Renjun is that instead of being scared the student held by Karma is smirking down at Karma while he stares at Nagisa.

"Renjun! No! What the hell! You are not going there!" Jaemin pulled Renjun back by the wrist when he saw the older stepped forward and was about to enter the scene.

"Nana chill, I'm not joining the fight. I'll just stop him before this gets worst. I know Karma, trust me." Renjun gently removed Jaemin's hand as he smiled sweetly at the younger whose eyes full of worry.

"Hey Karma." Renjun did a light chop on the side of Karma's head, making the red head turn his head to where he heard his name but when he saw Renjun staring dead on his eyes, his grip loosened dropping the student on the floor. Renjun just pointed at Nagisa's direction making Karma follow his finger and saw a teary eyed blue-haired beauty.

"Don't make him cry, it's minus points." Renjun whispered from behind Karma giving the latter a light slap on his back signalling Karma to go to Nagisa. When Karma did, Renjun faced the student that was dropped on the floor with his poker face.

"Treasure your life idiot and don't mess with Nagisa." He said staring down at the unknown student seated on the floor then he left him there going back to Jaemin.

"The fuck are you crowding at?! Go back to your own rooms." Mark Lee entered the scene scaring all the students that were watching the commotion earlier.

"Tsk acting like a king. What the hell." Jaemin muttered as he drags Renjun back to their classroom.


"Yay! It's Mr. Kim!" One of the students yelled happily when Kim Minseok entered their classroom for History class, even Mark Lee let out a small smile though no one noticed it.

"Seems like a lot is happy because it's me. Well for those who are new, I am Mr. Kim Minseok and let's have fun history classes." He introduced himself smiling at his students with his chubby cheeks going up a little.

"So first of all, everyone should stand up. I know you are seated with the person of your choice and I don't want you guys talking when the lessons get boring which I can't avoid so everyone stand up from your seats but stay on your place as I rearrange you. Okay?" A lot whined and groaned not wanting to change seats but still followed Mr. Kim's order. Mark just relaxed as he stood up knowing that he sits with no one so there's no possibility that Mr. Kim would change his seat and he's not even a talkative student in the first place. Mark likes Mr. Kim, he even visits the older in his office when it's late after school if he wanted someone to talk too, a someone that he doesn't have at home. Mr. Kim just gave off this warm vibe and accepting person vibe the reason Mark feels at ease with him.

Students got shuffled and got their new seatmates. Karma almost burst out when Mr. Kim called Nagisa to change seats with someone but the teacher cut him off immediately by saying to Nagisa to seat with Renjun. Karma relaxed upon knowing this. Jaemin had a sad pout on his face making Nagisa apologize to him but he told the shorter that it's fine and gave Nagisa a friendly smile. Jaemin heads to the seat next to Karma seeing the red head male grinning at him welcoming him to his seat, this made Jaemin relax a bit and thought of just getting to know Karma and maybe be friends with him like Renjun.

"Hey Jaemin-ah, I'm sorry. You're seat is not next to Karma." Jaemin just sighed then picked his bag again saying a small goodbye to Karma.

"You seat next to Mark."

"What?!" Jaemin and Mark reacted as soon as they heard what Mr. Kim said.
"What's the problem?" Minseok asked trying to compose himself and trying not ot let an amused smile upon the situation that is unfolding in front of him.

"I don't want to sit with a pink-haired stupid person that goes by the name Na Jaemin." Mark said glaring at Jaemin.

"Well do you think I want to sit beside a nameless-king-wannabe?! Well news flash mister the feeling is mutual. I do not want to sit beside you too." Jaemin fired back returning Mark's intense glare with his cold doe eyes. The atmosphere in the room went heavy as the two students continues their glaring game. This is where we say 'if looks could only kill both of them are dead by now'. There was a long silence before Mr. Kim broke it.

"It's not that your decision will be followed though, so Mr. Na please head to the seat next to Mr. Lee and Mr. Lee, suck it up." Minseok said winking at Mark as he saw the younger frown making him chuckle.

"Woah I can see dark aura surrounding the both of them Renjun." Nagisa said glancing at the back where Jaemin and Mark are seated with frown on their faces. Renjun looked at them as well and just chuckled finding Jaemin cute rather than scary because he is frowning.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Well Jaemin looks cute rather than scary frowning like that with his arms crossed on his chest, doesn't he?" Renjun said as Nagisa looked at the back again.

"Well, you're right." Nagisa agreed and both of them chuckled.

Na Jaemin is really blessed this school year. *chuckles*


Hey! Hey! It's been a long time. Hi to those who're reading this book! Leave some comment and stars! Wavyuuuu 💕💕 -Ji

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