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9: The Revelation of the Past

Third Person's POV

Renjun stirred from his slumber as he sae a very unfamiliar ceiling and a slight ache from his head. Getting up slightly, he saw Jaemin seated on a chair and resting his head on the edge of the bed that he's lying at, with his hands as his pillow. Renjun wandered his gaze first outside to see that the sun has already set and turned next to the wall clock that shows 5:30pm. Renjun decided to wake Jaemin up gently by ruffling the younger's pink hair as he calls his name in a soft manner.

"Oh Junnie, how are you feeling?" Jaemin asked as soon as he registered Renjun's state.

"I'm feeling okay. I'm sorry for making you stay this late Jaeminnie." Renjun apoligized with a slight pout.

"No it's okay Junnie, Hyuckie would have stayed if he can but his mom called him home because his cousins from his father's side are coming." Jaemin informed.

"Oh father side, it's the first time Hyuck sees them right?" Renjun asked again as he sits up.

"Yes because apparently Hyuck's uncle who is his father's brother and his wife came home from L.A yesterday and is visiting their family today." Jaemin answered as he assists Renjun on getting on his feet.

"My mom told me to text her if you're awake already because she's picking us up. Is it okay for you to wait for awhile, I already texted your brother anyway what happened to you." Jaemin said once again.

"Oh sure, it's fine." Renjun answered, smiling.

"So Junnie, let me ask you something first."


"What happened between you, Mark and Jeno that we don't know?" Jaemin saw how Renjun's body tensed with his eyes slightly widened and his lips going pale.


"So you're telling me that Mark Lee and Jeno Lee confessed to you on the same day with different time and now when it's Mark time to confess, Jeno saw the both of you hugging and thought you accepted Mark's confession? Wait wait lemme fucking absorb all of this and why the the hell are you bringing up something like, it's your fault why the are like that?" Jaemin asked really curious about the past of the three.

"Well after they confessed Mark and I was somewhat secret friends and that's with Nagisa and Karma. He wasn't really that rude and that disrespectful, he was just a silent smart kid in the class but that changed after knowing that Jeno confessed to me too." Renjun truthfully answered looking at Jaemin with sad eyes..

"Maybe there's stuff going on between the both of them already before you happened to the both of them, and maybe it triggered something upon knowing that both of them confessed and liked the same guy. Woah Huang Renjun I didn't know you are this pretty my friend." Jaemin said sending a wink to Renjun's way, teasing the older male.

"Yah Na Jaemin, this isn't a joke." Renjun whined slapping Jaemin's arm playfully.

"I know bitch. Let me ask you this, who do you like among the two?" Jaemin asked.

"That, actually I don't know."

"Then love both." Jaemin replied.

"Are you crazy?!"

"No, I'm perfectly sane."


"Hey Jaemin and Renjun! Good morning." Nagisa called the duo from behind greeting them with a soft smile.

"Hey Nagisa, good morning." Jaemin replied for the both of them and Renjun just gave a soft smile.

"Oh Renjun, is your head okay now? You got hit pretty hard yesterday." Nagisa asked actually worried since yesterday.

"Oh a hit like that can't harm Renjun, haven't you heard Nagisa-chan that Huang Renjun is a demon in disguise." Karma said walking up to where Nagisa and the others are huddled up.

"You better shut tf up Akabane." Renjun rolled his eyes.

"He's technically right tho." Jaemin said grinning at Karma.

"Ya Na Jaemin! You're supposed to be on my side not his!" Renjun whined, pouting like a kid resulting for the other three to just laugh at him.

"Whatever Injun, let's just get to class." Jaemin said chuckling.


"You wouldn't fcking believe me who visited our home with their parents yesterday." Donghyuck said as soon as they are all seated on their usual seat during lunch.

"Hey Hyuckie, you calm down first you know and you know we never believe what you say unless you have proof." Renjun jokingly said back earning an eye roll from the younger.

"Whatever, so guys know that I don't know my cousins from the father side right because yeah, their parents are in L.A. and just went home yesterday." Donghyuck started.

"Yes we know all of that Hyuckie,  get to the point." This time it's Jaemin who said that.

"Ya why are you so mean to me today? Anygays, my cousins are Mark and Jeno." Silence fell between the three of them with Jaemin and Renjun staring at Donghyuck blankly.

"What?! I'm saying the fcking truth and here a family photo we took yesterday with them!" Donghyuck showed his phone to the other two.


"Nani tf indeed." Donghyuck replied putting his phone back to his pocket.

"Na Jaemin." It's Mark standing beside there table staring down at the male he just called and diverted his eyes quickly to a certain male who refused  to look his way, Renjun.

"What is it?" Jaemin asked.

"About the project in social studies, I want us to finish it tomorrow and polish be at our house by 10 am." That was all Mark said before walking away.

"He really likes to boss people around." Donghyuck said rolling his eyes as he remembered how Mark bossed him the other day.

"He's manipulative." Both Jaemin and Renjun said at the same time.

"Oh, both of you seem to know him too well." Donghyuck said with a goofy smile and teasing eyes staring at his both friends.


Hi! We're finally going to taming y'all! Wavyuuu 💞 -Ji ❤

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