Day 2

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I was awoken by my own screams and someone else shaking me. It took me a few seconds to realise where I was, at the hotel, with Kim oh and Niall and Harry. Harry. That was who was shaking me, I looked up at him tears welling in my eyes and he stared back at me blankly. It was the dream again. I sat up slowly, his eyes watching every move I made and blinked the tears away.

"What?" I said rather rudely.

"Excuse me?" His expression turing to shock.

"I said what, as in why are you staring at me?"

"Really? Why am i staring at you? You were just screaming at the top of your lungs and having a fit and you're asking me why I'm staring at you"

"It's rude to stare"

He let out a long, shallow breath, obviously trying to control his anger. "Are you... alright?"

"Fine, it's not important"

He lifts his hand and it looks like he's about to touch me, but instead he just says "Good" and gets off the bed. He goes over to the little duffle bag on the floor and gets out a pair of grey track pants and a black top and throws them at me.

"Get dressed" He says and slams the door.

I make some faces at the door ones he's left and reluctantly get out of bed. I get dressed in a rush, with hopes of getting out of here sooner. When I walk out the door I see Kim sitting at the table with Niall, mid-laugh. I walk up to them, grab Kim by the arm and lift her off her seat. She gives me a confused and angry look and I give her my puppy eyes. Her eyes soften and she starts walking to the door with me.

"Thank you, so much, for um everything" I stutter

"You guys don't have to leave so soon, at least stay for breakfast" Niall replies getting up and walking toward us.

"Maybe we could..." Kim says and looks at me. I shoot her my best Please lets just get out of here look. "Actually no we can't but thank you so so so so much" I grab her arm and run out the room, straight to ours. After I slam the door I can finally catch my breath.

"WoW" kim says "What was that all about? What happened?"

"Nothing, I just had to get out of there. Harry was just... different"

"Different how? Did he do something to you? Cause you know I will beat his ass-"

"No, no. I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, what happened with you and Niall" I say with a mock love struck look on my face. Kim launches into this talk about how Niall was so nice to her and I try to listen but my mind keeps going back to those intense green eyes.

A/N there sometimes won't be an entry for everyday because the story would go on too long and some of the days continue on

Hope you guys are enjoying it so far!

P.S sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out

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