Wait Wut?! (New Years and Random Shiz)

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Admin: ........ *looks at tablet 11% looks at phone still charging*
Welp I only get a few more mins before I go to sleep so lemme tell ya stuff and first of all is Sj-

Epic: *breaks the window open* SUP Bruh I have news!!

Admin: *looks at window* oh come on!!

Epic: lol

Lesser dad: *walks in and sees the window* F*cketh! Its thou mesth
(Trans: f*ck its a mess)

Admim: *G A S P and covers Epic non-excistent ear and drags him out while still gasping*


Epic: *loses in a game of Uno* f*cketh bruh!!

Admin: *turns head owl style and attacs lesser dad*


Admin: *Goes arround tumblr and suddenly sees 18+ of Jevil* .... MY VIRGIN EYES!!!


Admin: Hiya folks! The names Razzy with a B and I've been afriad of frogs my entire life-

Rouxls: Stopth! Stopth! Stopth! Whereth?

Admin: Hm?

Roulx: whereth da B?

Admin: there's a Bee?!

Cross and Epic: *carryjng boxes of multiple fireworks and some ofmit were illegal*

Admin: *draws something but doesn't wanna spoil it*

Random person:........ *sees the pic* omg!? ASK SJ IS COMING OUT IN 1 OR 2 DAYS

Admin: ... really?

Random  person: *sees cam* .... sh*t

(Also tkae note that Sj will be uodated often wjth his designs and few days till 2018 is over...... Imma miss this year)

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