Chapter 1: Depression

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Author's Note-

Hi! My name is CoordinatedChaos, but for this fanfic, you can call me CC! This is my first fanfic, I hope you like it! Remember, I am not Shannon Messenger, but I will do my best to make this a story you will enjoy! Now, For the story-

Chapter 1

Sophie lay awake in bed, staring at the wall. It had been three days since the matchmaker disaster. She could vividly remember the words that changed everything; SOPHIE ELIZABETH FOSTER IS UNMATCHABLE. They flashed through her head over and over again. She could barely remember what came after them. It was all a blur, collapsing on the floor, stunned, unwilling to communicate. The matchmakers had called Grady and Edaline, who then rushed in and leaped her home to Havenfield. Sophie staggered to her room and collapsed on her bed.

Since then, she had only come out of her room to eat. Grady, Edaline, and all of her bodyguards, with the exception of Bo, had knocked on her door, asking if they could come in. She ignored them all. She had taken off the teal dress and thrown it into the back of her closet. She changed into a black tunic and dark gray leggings.

What to do?  She thought. Fitz had already told her how the last thing he wanted was to be a bad match. Sophie slowly rolled out of bed and walked softly to one of the only posters on her wall. It was a beautiful picture of all her friends together. In the background, Calla's gorgeous Panakes tree stood, it's blue, pink, and purple flowers gently floating in the breeze. Keefe had painted it for her. She was torn, she had already confessed her feelings to Fitz, consequently rejecting Keefe. But would Fitz even want her if she was unmatchable?

Part of her said she was being silly, if Fitz really loved her, he would never reject her. If he didn't, if he rejected her, then it was probably for the best. But Fitz had been her crush forever. She had been dreaming and hoping, but never really dared to believe, even when they had some sort of moments.

She stared out her window at Havenfield's pastures. They were beautiful, the moonlight shone down upon them, casting shadows. The millions of stars twinkled above, more stars then she had ever seen when she had been living with humans. She turned back to her room and glanced around at the soft carpet and open space. Her eyes settled on Iggy, who was snoring like a chainsaw.  She smiled, as she realized that she was so used to Iggy's snoring and toxic farts, that she could sleep through them with no problems. She climbed back into bed and burrowed under the covers, drifting off to sleep with one thought in her mind. Tomorrow, everything was going to change.

What's going to happen?! What do you want to happen? Please comment below and tell me what you think. I haven't decided what's going to happen so I could be persuaded. Hope you liked it, I will try to update regularly, but I live a very busy life. So please don't be mad. Does anyone also feel like this?-

 Does anyone also feel like this?-

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