Chapter 14: Prison Break

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Hello! I'm back with an extra long chapter! Thank you again for reading! Disclaimer: I am not Shannon Messenger.

Also, I just though, if you haven't read the KOTLC series, WHAT ARE YOU DOING READING THIS?! GO READ THE KOTLC SERIES! Thank you. Please comment on any misspelled words or grammar mistakes. I hate those and will fix them.😉 Above me is Fitz and Sophie under the Panakes tree. Hope you like the chapter. Our guest for today is . . . Tam Song!

*Tam has pushed his chair to a shadowy corner. His arm is in a sling*

Me: So, how are you doing.

Tam: Awful. My arm hurts and Elwin gave me about a thousand elixirs to take daily. They taste awful! The only reason he even let me do this interview was because he trusts you for some reason.

Me: I'm going to pretend I'm not offended by that comment, but, Elwin trusts me! *wicked smile* I'm honored, but someday he's going to see how misplaced his trust is.

*Tam tugs his bangs down over his eyes*

Me: So, Linh said she was the older twin, is she correct?

Tam: *grumbles* Yes.

Me: Oooo, I bet that's hard. I have a sister, but I'm the oldest. Best four years of my life. Now, when you joined the Black Swan, were you sure about your decision, or did you hesitate?

Tam: I hesitated. Linh was the one who really wanted me to. I mainly did it to make her happy. The Black Swan are okay, but I still don't fully trust them.

Me: They are kind of weird. *pauses, rolls eyes and air quotes* Gisela "recruited" you to the Neverseen, didn't she?

Tam: Yes, and I hated it, but I did it to save Linh. I couldn't let anything happen to her.

Me: I would ask you what happened after that, buuuut our readers are going to have to find out for themselves.

*fourth wall collapsed into a pile of dust and bricks*

Tam: What readers?

Me: Opps! *claps hands over mouth and quickly rebuilds the fourth wall*

*Tam gives me a funny look*

Me: *to you guys* I feel like I'm getting a bad reputation with not being able to keep secrets. You guys should probably head onto the next chapter before something else slips out.

Chapter 14

Sophie snapped open her eyes. The first thing she noticed was a thick wooden door with a small window blocked by metal bars. She leaned against the wall, trying to clear her dizzy head.

"Fitz is that you?" She asked tentatively.

"Yes. Is anyone else with you?" He asked.

"Yes, how did you know it was me?" The exhausted elf asked. Her hood was still up and he shouldn't have been able to see her face.

"Because Keefe is making faces at you." He replied.

Sophie spun around and caught Keefe in the process of crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue at her.

She glared, "Keefe, please be more mature! And please put your hood up!"

"This is as mature as it's gonna get, Foster." He smirked, "Plus putting my hood up means hiding The Hair!" He gasped in mock horror, "That would be awful! You must be a crazy to ask that! Why would you hide such perfection?"

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