Chapter 3 - The Zoo

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Karson's nose twitched as it was greeted with the most wonderful aroma. He yawned and stretched, but his eyes snapped open when he found himself alone in the bed. He looked around the room and saw their suitcases sitting nearby on the dresser. Quickly, Karson rose and donned a shirt and a pair of shorts.

He stopped in the bathroom before heading back downstairs to the kitchen and the enticing smells of breakfast. His keen hearing picked up the strands of conversation between Rachel and her mother.

"Well, maybe he should try to get published?"

"That's what I said too, but you know how hard it is for people to take Companions seriously. It's hard enough for people to not treat them like...pets!"

There was a clink from silverware hitting a plate. Karson stood still and waited to hear the next comment.

"That's true, but what about a pen name? People have been writing that way for hundreds of years. Also, you could just pretend you're his agent?"

Rachel sighed.

"Hm, I hadn't thought of that. Anyway, I'll send you a link of one of the articles he wrote."

She giggled softly.

"Not only is he the smartest person I know, but he's also the cutest. You would die if you saw the way his tongue pokes out when he's sleeping! It's the most adorable-Oh! Good morning Karson."

Karson strolled into the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Rachel. He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Whatever you are making smells wonderful, Vanessa."

"Why thank you Karson. It's just simple bacon and eggs with some toast. We also have some orange juice if would you like a glass?"

"Yes, thank you."

He turned to Rachel but addressed both women.

"So what other cute things have you told your mother about me?"

Rachel blushed slightly but answered playfully.

"Oh you know, the usual. Like how you snore in your sleep, and how you have to turn around three times before you lay down. Also, how you like to chase your know normal boyfriend stuff."

Karson laughed lightly and poked her in the side.

"Uh huh. But what if I mentioned how you have terrible table manners and you snore as well?"

This time Vanessa was the one to laugh.

"Karson, honey, I've known that since Rach was five years old!"

His ears laid back in embarrassment as his comment backfired, but Rachel thought it was cute.

"Aw, don't worry about it Kar. Wait 'til you taste the way Mom makes her eggs. That will cheer you up."

She was already eating another bite of her almost finished breakfast when Vanessa placed a loaded plate in front of him.

He sniffed the meal and grinned at Vanessa. Karson took a mouthful of eggs and chewed enthusiastically.


She winked at him and went back to fixing her own plate.

"So I was going to take Karson to the zoo, but I don't think we'll be there all day. I also wanted to take a drive by the old high school. What time were you planning dinner?"

Rachel finished shoveling the remainder of her food into her mouth as her mother replied.

"I usually plan for 6pm; your father has gotten used to that schedule. I'll make chicken and dumplings since this is a special occasion."

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