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MAY 18th,1987 Aberdeen, WA

TODAY was the day Emma had aged once again. She was excited as she was now eighteen and could move on her own in Aberdeen. Of course her mom would be there but she was currently at rehabilitation center.

She sat in her room listening to music. She didn't like the fact that she was technically no longer a child but yet to be an adult, all of her friends were. She didn't feel like sitting in there for the whole day though. Her train of thought was cut off when she heard tapping against her window. Suspecting of who it was she walked to the window and looked down at the street.

"There foe thou Juliet!" Kurt yelled. Emma looked puzzled at his choice of words.

"Then who is Romeo?" She yelled. He rolled his eyes. "Chad?"

"Hey!" Kurt yelled out.

"That was the most cheesy line I've ever heard." Emma shouted down to him.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "And you loved it. Now come on!" He said. Emma shut her window and walked downstairs to he front door.

Walking down to meet Kurt at her doorstep Charlie blocked her path. "Where are you going Emiliea?" He asked.

"Just to hang out with a friend." She said quickly. Charlie laughed. He never thought he'd see the day Emma made friends.

Charlie was taxing at the house while Karen was in rehab. He hadn't seen Emiliea and Daniel in a while so it wasn't a burden. It was more of a pleasure.

"Which friend." He asked. Just wanting to know what was going on in her life.

"Just Kurt." She said quickly.

Charlie And Kurt had met multiple times. He always came by the house to hang out with Danny and Emma. So Charlie on his own time talked to him.

"Have fun." He moved away allowing Emiliea to live her life.

"Hey Charlie." Kurt waved at Emilieas father figure. Charlie waved back with a smile on his face.

"Keep her safe Kurt!" He yelled back before closing the door.

Emma looked in shock as he knew of Charlie. He thought he just kind of stood around and don't say anything near him.

Kurt sat in his car as Emma hopped in. "What are you here at 5 pm for?"Emma asked.

"You duh, happy birthday!" He said. He had remembered, despite Emma thinking negatively.

"You remembered?" She said softly.

"Of course I did mush." He grabbed her hand. Emma smiled and didn't hold his hand back till seconds later.

"Am I allowed to do this according to Tracy's rule book." Emma asked laughing quietly bringing their tangled fingers up.

"It wouldn't matter anyway." He laughed. "But uh, we decided maybe we don't go together. With the band and all, she doesn't want to be apart of it." He had admitted. Emma was happy on the inside but of course she didn't show that part.

"I'm so sorry Kurt. I hope I didn't mess anything up for you." Emma pleaded.

"No she just doesn't think I have time for her or something and shit every time but It's fine really." He gave a small smile.

"Oh!" She remembered "Did chad get the advice?" Emma asked. Kurt gave her a questionable face. "About being in love with two people..." she tried to remind him.

"Oh that! Yeah I lied to you." He said bluntly getting out of his car in Krist' driveway.

"What's was the point in that!" Emma yelled.

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