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JUNE 4, 1987
Aberdeen, WA

"DO YOU EVER wonder to yourself if fish feel anything?" The blue eyed boy said to his brunette lover as he painting in green.

"What?" She laughed taking her eyes from her folder.

"I mean." He turned around, setting down his brush. "They swim around all day as if nothing matter. They watch their fellow fish get killed, as they are still okay. Damn I wish I was a fish." He said quickly turning his head down.

Emma took a breath in before walking over to his stool. She sat on his lap as he snapped up from whatever he was thinking.
"But then I remember, if I hadn't have had the ability to care about you so much." He said whispering to her ear. "And then being on this planet is ten times more tolerable." He pecked her cheek.

"How's your mom doing." He asked holding on to her waist with one hand and painting again with the other.

"She's doing fine." Emma smiled. She loved when Kurt focused on his painting. He always seemed to think it was horrific but she found it beautiful. Every time. "She came back just a few days ago." Emma said.

"How about your dad?" He asked, now dipping into the brown paint.

"Charlie's doing fine." Emma said standing up and walking back to the table where she worked on her homework.

"Emma... I was just um wondering about your biological father. I mean... if you're fine with me asking..." Kurt mumbled.

Emma exhaled her fear. "I guess I have to tell you." She mumbled. I can't do it. I refuse to speak of his name. "He moved away. Yeah we haven't seen him in a while so it really sucks." Emma mummered.

"I'm sorry doll" Kurt said standing up to hug her.

"I just really miss him." She said quietly.

"I miss my dad too. But I kind of don't. If it weren't for all my tragedy, I'd never use it for my art." He said glancing at the  painting he had just made. Emma turned to look as well.

It was a fish flipping out of the river that they saw at the bridge not to long ago. In the corner of the paining sat to seem what be a angel and a skeleton holding hands. "What's that." She giggled.

"You and me." He said pointing at the pair holding hands.

"Why am I a skeleton." She laughed out.

"You're not, you're the angel...like my angel." He said shyly. "Still don't know why you like me when any guy you want." He walked back to his stool to finish his painting.

"Kurt it's because I really care for you." She said instantly covering her mouth.

"Really ?" He said turning around.

Great going Emma. "Yeah." Is all she could manage to get out.

"Emma..." he started.

"No I know it was stupid, I understand and can't believe I just waisted the first I care about  you out of nowhere. Im not good at relationships and sometimes I just say whatever. I'm so stupid I'm-" then Kurt cut her off with a gentle kiss.

"Emma I care about you so much. Sometimes just shut up and let me say it okay?" He said laughing.

She shook her head before reconnecting their lips. "You don't understand how happy you make me." She smiled against his lips.

"Same to you doll." He responded. "Now I want to finish my painting and you have homework to do. You don't want my handsome face to distract you would do you?" Kurt joked.

"I guess not." Emma said giggling from his comment and collecting her papers. "See you later Cobain." She said kissing his cheek before walking out the door.

|A/N: this is a shorter chapter than usual, but I hope you all had a wonderful day and that 2019 is going well for you. the next chapter is probably going to be posted Tuesday if I'm not to busy. thank you for all the support, it helps out tremendously. all of you who like and comment truly do help. Thanks guys!|

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