wishing for better days

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Wishing for better days

The last few years were a mess that kept me suffering and struggling
I was so scared
With no dream
I was just studying for others
To let them be satisfated with the person who I am

But what about me
I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't happy back then
I was proud of my grades and myself
But now I discover that I should make a dream and sacrifice everything to achieve it
I didn't love myself back then
Now I'm trying hard to love myself
I'm working hard on myself

I should win this combat
One of my biggest fear is to find all people ditching me and leaving me
I don't wanna to be alone
I wanna friends and family to rely   on
Most important thing someone who loves me as I am
With my bad and good qualities

But I should love myself at first and that's what I'm doing
I cried a lot
Wished that I can disappear and vanish
I wished that I can suffer less
Be in less fear and struggle
I hope I can live happily from now on
I hope I'll be more confident
I hope I'll wake up in the morning with a smile
#wishing for better days

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