꿈 ,사랑(dream,love)

2 1 0

Because that was the truth I was searching for

The dreams u made me believe in

The beautiful world u created for me

Thank u for everything u did for me

And for every smile u gave me when I felt sad

I knew that this day will come

I knew that ur love will go far

'cause we were just being in dreams

The dream that made my life like a Paradise

And that made my heart beating hard

As the snowflake fall from the sky

I'll try to just leave ur love with the winds and the snow

'cause my heart will be so cold for The first time this winter

The feeling of loneliness will grow

My tears will finally stop falling

I want to say "see u" but it becomes harder
'cause we're not the same two persons we used to be

Now I'll let go of u ,I'll leave

I'll live my life as I wanted it to be


it's been a while guysssss
I was so busy with exams
I hope u'll enjoy this chap everyone ~~
(yesterday was suga's birthday
happy birthday ~~~)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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